Sunday, May 25, 2008

Going Around in Circles

I had to do this in three steps instead of two.

For step #1 I pulled out some two year old orphans, added blocksbetween them and made the top. It was predictible and boring but not too bad.

For step #2 I cut it up and added another fabric. I hated it. Myhusband, who is very supportive and likes most things that I do came into the room and said "That is the ugliest thing you've ever made". I had to agree. I was pretty discouraged for awhile. I auditioned some things that didn't work at all and then I remembered I had some iron-on bias tape.

So, for step #3 I added the tape, cut it into a circle and came up withsomething completely new. .Betty


  1. I actually like what happened in step #2, but maybe the colors on the computer are better than in real life? A fine solution, though, with that bias tape. Thanks for the story!

  2. I liked what was happening in step 2, too, but also like your finished circle. It reminds me of the braided rugs my grandmother used to make from scraps. Neat!

  3. Your final version reminds me of a winnowing basket. The fabric you added in step 2 doesn't seem to relate at all to the rest of the quilt, but the bias strip you added in step 3 seems to succesfully tie it all together.

  4. Your finished piece reminds me of something Native American. I find your progression to be amazing! You've taken something rather plain and made it very interesting in terms of shape and color. I think this is a great re-use of the #1 piece and a brave experiment that has proven to be very successful!

  5. Very interesting technique. The finished piece is wonderful.

  6. Hi Betty, It does remind me of a native design...Peruvian or something like that. I think it turned out great with the overlapping colorful abstract design flowing through the neutral geometric design.
    Great job!

  7. To me, it looks like a braided rug.
    I notice someone else thought the same thing.

  8. You made me laugh at your husband's comments. I do think the final piece really saved the quilt.


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