Friday, May 30, 2008

Out of the nine patch - Into the Garden

What an interesting challenge this has been for me. I got a late start, but made up some time with this UFO I had made about two years ago. It was based on the 9-Patch Pizzazz book by Judy Sisneros, however my effort lacked the pizzazz (boring even). I was happy to take the rotary cutter to it.
I first cut it into strips, and rearranged them, but really started to hate the light fabric that was on the ends of each strip. I whacked that off and started to play with the strips as borders, added a center panel, and then some fused appliqué and the piece started to take shape. It is all quilted now and ready for some embellishment, and I would like some suggestions as to how to bring this piece to an increased level of interest. One can’t yet say it has pizzazz, however I do like it more than the original. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ll post again when it is complete.


  1. Joni, what a gorgeous transformation.
    The swirls of purple add flow to the piece, I love it!

  2. I really like what you have done here Joni!!
    Very balanced in my opinion [maybe the traditional background?] and the curves add flair. Nice quilting, too!

  3. Joni--Your work speaks to my heart! It moves, keeps the eye moving, is not over-done, and uses some of my favorite colors!! Thanks for sharing--Sally

  4. Joni,

    This looks like a totally different piece than the UFO you started with! I like the focal point you've created with the burnt sienna/yellow fabric in the center, and then the fabric ribbons that draw the eye to the off-center flowers. You've met the challenge nicely and have a lovely piece as a result!


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