Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Finished Piece: Above
Sacrificed UFO Collage: Below

This challenge started with a UFO fabric collage. It has been deconstructed to smithereens and is kind of difficult to see in this month's challenge piece. The finished piece has ribbon, cording, and silk leaves in it. Also, it features strips from a fabric weave in contrasting colors. There was no plan in the design. One step just seemed to lead to another and voila! Comments are welcome!


  1. This turned out to be a very interesting piece. It reminds me of an Oriental garden entrance. Great job!

  2. The purple gate is a nice contrast to the garden you have created behind it. It looks like has lots of detail and texture that get lost in the small photo.

  3. Very colorful Tori Gate! I like the contrast and the harmony in this composition.

  4. Cay, I liked the original. I'm not sure I could have chopped it up. However the deconstructed piece has a lot of pizzaz.

  5. Yes, the gate does add to it. It gives us a place to stop before we look at the garden behind it.

  6. Hi Cay Denise, I really like this piece...lots of contrasts with the vertical and horizontal lines, complementary blue and orange colors, straight lines in the fabric and curved lines in the piecing. Very rich and lush.
    Great job!

  7. I think you added an nice focus to the piece. The colors are great.


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