Monday, May 26, 2008

Doorways by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Earlier this year, I made a piece based on the ruins of a Thai palace...and I ended up cropping a big section off one end. So that was my starting piece. I had a bunch of quilting samples and other pieces I had cropped off, which I used to build onto the piece. What do you think?


  1. I really like this! The addition of more windows and more color made for a very interesting piece. I like it!

  2. I think it's great you found a use for your leftover pieces. I like the door theme, and the unusual shape of your final piece is perfect.

  3. Cynthia,
    This turned out to be a very interesting composition, I didn't notice until I zoomed in that it has it's own shape, and that the quilting in it is wonderful. Such a variety of texture. Very nice.

  4. Cynthia, you went from one doorway to a whole village. I like the deconstructed piece. The colors are wonderful.

  5. I agree with what everyone else said.


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