Saturday, July 05, 2008

Abstraction on 'Puss in the Corner'

A sketch of the abstracted block was drawn about a week ago. I didn't think at all about how it would have to be constructed. So when assembling it, the piece changed quite a bit. It doesn't have a name yet. Would anyone like to make a suggestion(s)? Also, comments are welcomed, as always!

For block comparison purposes "Puss in the Block" design image above is from:


  1. I'm not sure of your intent - but the turquoise things look like something a stripper would wear. If it was intended LOL. If not I'd get rid of them or add some more. I love the polka dots

  2. Cay Denise,
    Very interesting block, are those cat tails? I like the color contrast and the variety of texture in this piece. Joni

  3. I like the polka dots, too, for the five-patches. Very clever! Not so sure about the hangy-down mind kind of goes to the gutter, too. LOL


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