Saturday, July 05, 2008

Nobody Says it Has to be Fair

The actual block has four names: Fair Play, Quarter Turn, The Pig Pen, and Wedding Ring. I almost didn't make this one -- couldn't think of a thing, but an article in an old QNM and Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia of Pieced Designs got me going. It is slashed, sewn, re-slashed and re-sewn to create the deviation from the original design.


  1. Karen,
    Your fair play looks mighty fine! I love all the movement, and the stimulating visual impact. Nice work! Joni

  2. Karen, I really like what you did with this. I have a pattern for an easy crazy quilt that I teach and this reminds me of it. But, yours has some curves which add a nice interest. And the reds....... really looks great.
    Your swirly quilting goes with. Is there a chance we can see the back?
    Great job and glad you got this one done

  3. Very full of movement, and I like the red and pink together (I grew up when it was against the law to mix red and pink, so it still seems daring to me). It makes a very effective block.


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