Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Altered Card Trick Block

Froggie does card tricks

I chose the block named “Card Trick” to alter, and just played with it for a while on my drafting program. I changed one of the edges to a curved piece, and then saw that it started looking like intersecting pipes. Going with that idea, I expanded on it a bit and came up with this design. Choosing really bold fabrics in bright colors was a new way for me to go, but it was a lot of fun. When the piece was all put together, the center looked boring… all lines drew your eye to the center, but nothing happened. That’s when Froggie decided to hop on the quilt, and as you can see he was chasing a dragon fly. It looks like another quilt for the grandkids playroom.
Comments are appreciated, even kind criticism.


  1. Great eye-popping design! It looks a lot like a package with a lovely bow in the center. This would be a geat starting piece for an entire quilt or at least a wall-hanging for your grandkids' wall.

  2. This is a really cool quilt! I love how you altered the shape and made it your own. The wavy lines and the stripes really do draw your eye into the middle. And what's waiting...glad I'm not that dragonfly!

  3. I agree with the others. That is a cool quilt.

  4. Who would ever have guessed?????????? Not me, that is for sure, I would have guessed 'bow-tie'. So, so beautiful, your colors would make ANY block sing! I like your swirls, in fact without the frog and the dragon-fly, I would see top-hats and a rabbit.
    What a great piece!

  5. Great graphic feel - I love this piece - very professional and complete looking.

  6. Your tube cards achieved an optical illusion. And as Katie says, the wavy lines keep drawing the eye.
    Your fabric choices compliment this design.
    Penny Irwin

  7. Just want to thank everyone for their encouraging comments. This group has been a great help in getting me to expand my horizons. Joni

  8. This is so cool. I love the curves you added. And of course the frog. The frog and bright colors make it really fun, but it is also a stunning design.


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