Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Fan-tasy Flight

Guess my roots are showing...........
A traditional quilter first, I sat down right away to do something
different with my favorite traditional block. Rather than
the 'traditional' square with curves, I did this one long and narrow
with straight lines., took out my protractor, measured off the degrees
and away I went. I did 4 blocks, put them together using a quarter
turn, insetting the center square rather than butting the inside edges
and working on the outside. That way the border was already there, just
part of the block. I used Fossil Fern fabric and some Laurel Birch
kats,quilted it with purple rayon thread and orange in the center portion, added the butterflies and voila!

I hoped the quilting design and the butterflies would add an 'art' flair to this otherwise very traditional piece. Did I succed?

As always, I look forward to your comments.


  1. Carole,

    I love your piece, with it's yummy colors, and cats and butterflies. I especially like the quilting as it does add an artistic flair. Lovely! Joni

  2. Great color choices. It looks like sun rays coming out from behind a star. I'm guessing your traditional block was grandmother's fan?

  3. Yup, guessed it.

  4. Yes, you did succeed. I can see a bunch of them made into a quilt.
    Very pretty.

  5. Hi Carole, This is the colors and fabrics and the quilting adds another interest factor. I'm glad you chose a curvy design to contrast with the lines in the piecing. The only things that makes it look traditional to me are the corner squares in the border and the symmetry of the border itself. Continuing the rays or squares out into the border and/or uneven borders or border on only 2 sides are a couple thoughts I had to sort of break up the symmetry. I think you did break up the symmetrical feel within the piece with the orange and yellow rays being opposites and mirror images...also with the staggered green squares and turquoise.

    Great job

  6. Carole,
    This is a lively, animated design. I love the bright fabrics and the cats in the corners. Your quilting is beautiful.
    Penny Irwin

  7. I agree with everyone - it's bright and cheery and has a lot of movement and a little mystery.


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