Friday, July 25, 2008

Midnight Ride

I was playing in Photo Shop liquifying a wall hanging of a basket of flowers and to my surprise it looks like a person riding on an animal through the sky.


  1. Betty, what a neat focus piece, and the background fabric reminds one of a starry night.

  2. Betty,
    Its hard to see the basket of flowers, but I do see the person riding on the animal. It is so much fun to play with all the effects the photo editors give us. Your piece reminds me of looking at earth from space - but the world is square. Lots of surprising results happen with photo effects. Looks like you had fun with this. Joni

  3. I too feel as if I'm looking at a scene on earth from outer space, Betty. I've never learned to use my photo shop yet...(one of my must do's), but the effect looks very like marbleized fabric to me.
    Very nice!


  4. It reminds me of a square earth in the solar system. What's the final size?

  5. This quilt appeals to me. I love science fiction movies and it is easy to imagine your focal point as some strange object traveling through the Milky Way.
    Penny Irwin

  6. I wonder what this would look like if the appliqued piece was a circle instead of a square? Fun piece of photoshop work..... Hope your eyes are better soon!

  7. I think like Wendy here, it looks so much like earth from outer space, if it was round, voila!
    Nice sky, too.
    Photoshop here I come!

  8. I agree that this looks like a square Earth riding through space, the lighter blue trailing behind it gives a nice illusion of movement to it :-)

  9. Hi Betty,

    I really love the photoshopped image. It is really unusual. I also think the placement and the lighter blue streak give a good illusion of movement as well. My one comment would be that although I like the background fabric, I think it competes somewhat with the focus piece. Great take on the challenge!


    P.S. It reminds me of the "Borg" ship from Star Trek!

  10. Hi Betty, very cool effects!
    Great job!


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