Friday, July 25, 2008

Moonlit Orca

I have had this piece of fabric for awhile, waiting for the right project. When I saw it in the store it brought to mind a moonlit sky and ocean. When I saw what this challenge was I knew I had to use this, and the Orca fit perfectly. It is a simple fused appliqué piece, I made the *splash* with a shiny, transparent fabric that resembles fish scales.
BTW, I have 4 more along the same idea with different subjects waiting to be finished. While looking for the Orca I just kept finding other things that would work!


  1. Cathy, this piece is fantastic. You have really captured the mood of a midnight swim! Great job.

  2. Isn't it amazing how similar our pieces are with the navy background.

  3. Cathy,
    I love the feel of this piece, especially the way the water is lighter around the whale. He is really leaping out of the water, one almost feels as if they are going to catch some of the spray. Great interpretation of this challenge. Joni

  4. This is the perfect fabric Cathy! It is gorgeous! Is it a sateen? It fairly glows with the moonlight! I swear I can feel the moisture from the Orca's splash LOL Good job!


  5. Thanks for the great comments! The background fabric is actually dyed cotton that I bought it at the local fabric store, I hope they have more because now that I have used have of what I bought I really want

  6. I love the idea of a whale in a moonbeam.
    Penny Irwin

  7. This piece reminded me of my trip to Alaska.... watching the whales breech in the approaching dark.
    Background fabric is wonderful.... that's the kind of stuff I buy all the time.
    Good work, Cathy!

  8. Oh, my oh my...... my most favorite memory of my life on the waters edge was a whale watching trip we took. You have captured this beautifully. This piece could fall into many categories. What size is it? Will you enter this one into competion?
    Even tho' one could think the moonbeam is the focal, it is the Orca in the whole scene.
    It is just beautiful and please, when you post the others.... a series perhaps?... let us know.

  9. Thanks again for the wonderful comments on this piece! I haven't thought about entering it in anything, maybe I should!
    I have posted the others I made on my other blog.
    They can be seen here:
    I have really become fixated on making pieces in this style, and also the *more is more* one!

  10. forgot...this is 18" x 20.5"

  11. Hi Cathy,

    Love what you did for this challenge. It is SO hard for me to keep things simple, and this is just a perfect example of how successful that can be. LOVE the fabric. Great job!


  12. Hi Cathy, this is beautiful...very evocative of moonlight and solitude.
    Great job!


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