Thursday, July 31, 2008

Paint drip on old wall by Cynthia Ann Morgan

My piece for Challenge 23 is called “Paint drip on old wall”, size is 10 x 14” and constructed using fused appliqué with hand dyed and commercial print cottons. It was inspired by the works of Clyfford Still an American abstract expressionist, like Mark Rothko, who did alot of color field work in the 40s and 50s.


  1. Wow Cynthia! You really nailed the feel of Rothko's painting.
    I can see paint on a wall too but first I thought of the Mars pictures and liquid in disturbed soil.
    Penny Irwin

  2. Cynthia, this is great, I love how you are able to come up with some real interesting pieces.Paint, old walls, who'd have thought it would interpret like this! And I love just those bits of color you added, gives it an authentic look,
    jobs previously done show up in the paint can, and here!
    You must be getting a lot of 'cool' comments on this from your quilting friends.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Very fun piece... it reminded me of the adobe walls we see here in the southwest... its peaceful and quiet....

  4. Hi Cynthia!

    This piece is very evocative of imagery in its name. There is no 'rush' to the movement in the piece...just a quiet meandering downward sense to it. You've accomplished a very fresh interpretation of the design challenge, and I think you completed it with aplomb!

  5. Cynthia,
    this is awesome. you really capture the "feel" of a Rothko painting, however the texture that fabic adds to it makes it even more effective. Great quilting on this too, it really sets off the design. I love it! Joni

  6. I love the serene simplicity of this piece Cynthia. I like the gold/black 'cracks' in the wall...

  7. Hi Cynthia,

    This one is really great. Love the contrast and the little bit of red at the top is just perfect. Quilting is fabulous as always. You keep coming up with great results!


  8. Very pretty - very Cynthia - there is an eye winking at me in the right upper corner. I'm not familiar with the artist so will have to check it out.

  9. Cynthia, you have realy captured the ink dripping. It is wonderful, the quilting lines, gold and darker gold seem to be drifting right by the main paint drip.

  10. Very different. Love it.

  11. The thing I like the most is the quilting! You resist the temptation to quilt the entire background, and what you did quilt is so very interesting. I hope everyone has clicked on the picture to see the detail. I love it!


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