Friday, July 11, 2008

Perspective Block

This turned out to be a lot less impressive than I had hoped. When the challenge was announced, I had been spending some time in working with traditional type scrap blocks. So I was particularly interested in giving this a try. Since I sometimes do perspective quilts, I thought I would work with a block drawn in perspective.

I selected a block from Jinny Beyer's "Quilter's Book of Blocks and Borders" and drafted the block in perspective. I decided to work with a brown/neutral color palette since I had so recently been playing with so many colors in my scrap blocks. I worked out the lights darks and mediums and drew the block full size onto freezer paper, with all the pieces well labeled so I would not mix them up. Then I cut out the pieces and cut them out of their proper colors and used Misty Fuse to adhere them to a background, a spare piece of old hand dyed mauve fabric.

You can see the results in the photo. Despite the many steps that went into this, it really just looks as if I took a bad photo at an angle. My plan is to use this as a floor in one of my perspective quilts at some time, so I have not quilted it.

Plan B was to draft a block onto a sphere, but I will save that for another time. No matter the results, this was fun! Comments always welcome.


  1. Susan,

    This is actually a pretty cool block. It really looks like a marble floor. I'll be looking forward to seeing the walls you erect around it...

    So you fused it instead of piecing? I tried that on mine, but your looks so much crisper!

  2. Thanks, Katie! I loved the block just as a block so I thought it would be fun to do in perspective. I did fuse. The reason I used that color you see for the background was so it would not show too much in between the "tiles".
    I am trying to decide if it is a good idea or not to satin stitch the joints as I sometimes do or try something less conspicuous.

  3. Susan,
    Love your block, the warm browns and the flawless, clean lines.
    Somewhat similar to the way I constructed mine but yours has a more precise, cleaner look. Be fun to see this in a quilt.
    Penny Irwin

  4. Thanks, Penny. I am thinking hard about the next steps for this one. I would like to turn it into a larger quilt. I think I would like to add more perspective work along the sides of this block, sort of a pieced border, maintaining the perspective.


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