Sunday, August 24, 2008

Alien Garden

Since I have frequently made garden scenes, my idea for this garden was to go wild and avoid using any fabric image as a literal object, no actual flowers as flowers. Check out in particular the images I used in the tree and the tree trunk -- extra points if you figure out the trunk in particular! The background is all one piece of fabric; I quilted a few of the lines there.

For the odd striped plants in the lower part of the picture, I tried doing some free motion quilting, but aside from the zig-zag central veins, it was simply too much, and I ended up taking most of it out.

Sept. 23 -- I've just re-posted this, showing the border.


  1. Tobi,
    Your alien garden is very creative and interesting. In my imagination I think I can make an alien out of one of the leaves on the right side. It looks like an upside down alien. Your fabric choices are excellent to create a surreal atmosphere in this piece. Nice Job! Joni

  2. Tobi, yes this certainly is an alien garden, there are lot's of little aliens hiding. I see one in the pink to the right, orange on the right and some on the pink in the left too :)

  3. Tobi, this is so you!!
    I don't know how you think of the things you do, but the results are great.
    Way to go!! Looks good.

  4. Good job on using different fabric that aren't actual flowers. Seems to me you can start looking at fabric differently now.

  5. Tobi,
    I love your personal challenge using
    commercial prints! What fun.
    Very clever!
    (no idea what the tree trunk is, LOL)
    Penny Irwin

  6. This looks like an underwater garden to me Tobi. I have dived the underwater gardens in Monterey, Ca and they look very like this...right down to the colors! I can feel the currents swaying the seaweeds as I look at this. Very nice!

  7. Hi Tobi, Love your piece! All those odd shapes and fabrics come together into this fantasy world...hobbits could live here comfortably!


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