Sunday, August 24, 2008

Maui Butterfly

I took this photo several years ago on the island of Maui. I had a wonderful image in my mind of the "abstract" quilt I was going to make from it. I prepared all my silks with fusibles, laid them all out, and started randomly cutting shapes with my rotary blade. I began placing them, and lo and behold...what happened to my abstraction? Once again, I am hopelessly representational! LOL At least it was done from a garden picture...sigh. Will it do for this challenge? I will try again, but no promises. I guess I just don't "do" abstract.

Comments very welcome...Cherie


  1. I love your quilt, Cherie. Given that it is not an exact representation of your picture, of course it is abstract. It just happens to also be representational. These are not exclusive categories. And there is nothing inherently superior about non-representational art, it just happens to be in vogue for the last century. Before that, not so much. I think you have done a wonderful piece using very valid methods. No need to feel apologetic about such a great quilt.

  2. Cherie,
    This quilt is wonderful. You took an interesting picture and made it you own by emphasising what pleased you. I love the way you chose to lighten some of the leaves to give the impression of light on your subject. You have achieved the purpose of this challenge in a beautiful way. Very nice! Joni

  3. Very nice Cherie, what if some of the green leaves would have been staighter and in differing sizes? You do have a lot of movement and 'life' in the piece. And like Susan said, there are many ways to interpret 'abstract'.
    Great colors!

  4. this is beautiful, and to my eyes certainly abstract. I love it just the way it is :-)

  5. This is 'lovely' Cherie. Your colors are perfect and what a darling butterfly! How did you do it? Reverse applique and beads?
    Seems like we have something in common, I really want to do abstract, just doesn't quite get there!

  6. This is abstract - you have taken the detail of the flower and simplified it. Your butterfly is great - not really abstract it almost looks more real then the real one. Great job for not doing "abstract."

  7. This is really beautiful and obviously took a lot of skill and artistic talent to create.

    I strongly agree with Susan B.'s comments about abstraction and non-representational art.
    Penny Irwin

  8. Hi Cherie,
    Beautifully made...good colors...interesting stylized shapes. My only criticism is the placement of the focal point. It's pretty much dead center and that's not as interesting as off center. You know what I'm going to say next, right?
    Crop it!
    Just my humble opinion of course!

  9. I think it is beautiful.

  10. A beautiful quilt Cherie. It displays your excellent well done.


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