Saturday, August 30, 2008

Barrel Cactus (#24)

9 1/2" x 12 1/2"
Commercial fabrics

This project began as a photograph of a barrel cactus in my garden. I printed the photo on both cotton and organza fabrics. I liked the effect when I overlaid the organza on the cotton photo and then offset the two photos. The two photos were secured together with some thread painting then it was sliced into four parts.

The original intention was to use all four parts. After adding the green fabric (extending out at least 3" from the cut edges) and playing around with various arrangements, I decided to use only two of the photo quarters.

The piece needed more than a plain border. There was a slight hint of maroon in the batik separating the dark green sections. I added a small (1/8") eyelash border.

Comments always welcome!

-- Joanna Strohn in Tucson, Arizona
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  1. What a great abstract Joanna! It looks like it must have been so fun to make. I love your lime fabric. How did you dye it?


  2. Hi Joanna, I always love your color's so fresh and different. This piece has an interesting graphic feel to it...understated, but intriging at the same time. The line and texture in the fabrics really plays up the piecing. Great job!

  3. This piece is very unique. The cactus pieces add such an interesting texture to the overall work. Great job.

  4. Hi Joanna, what an interesting piece. I wouldn't have thought to use the dark turquoise like you did but it works!
    Good job, and thatgreen is luscious!

  5. Joanna,
    great to see that your creativity is back...well done.
    Love the graphics of the cactus; great texture.

  6. The offset organza gives a really interesting effect.
    I love the border print and binding you used.

  7. I love this - I haven't tired anything with photo transfers. You definitely created and abstraction. I love your color choices.


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