Saturday, August 30, 2008

Midnight Dreams of Summer Flowers

It's the last day of winter here and i am desperate for some colour. My real garden is just a pile of twigs poking out of the ground. So i imagined this piece and i hope that it fulfills the criteria of this challenge.

Background fabric dyed in attempt to represent the garden in the starlight.

Flowers appliqued with metallic thread and made up of scraps of dyed silk.

Flower in the upper left (representing night) consists of machine embroidered stars and free motion embroidery.

Anny comments welcome.



  1. It's good to see you back Anna.

    I love this quilt! It surely captured the feeling of night time with this background, and I especially love the "night flower".

    Good job

  2. Hi Anna, This is a lovely piece. The background fabric is so rich and deep and the flowers glow against it. I like the variety and interest you got with the range of effects on the flowers...from vibrant to muted to translucent.
    Nice binding effects, too. Good job!

  3. Anna, this is a gorgeous piece. The title aptly describes the piece.
    The color choices and background are great.
    Although I feel it is a bit realistic rather than abstract, although there are many differing views on what is 'abstract' . Great work.

  4. Hi Anna.... what a pretty piece. I love the background and the colors that you used to put it all together. [You might guess I love jewel tones]. You used pieces of silk... good for you. I have been using silk in pretty much all of my latest quilts, somewhere. In this week's challege I used silk for my flowers.
    It is fun exploring what other fabrics will do. I'm glad you were/are longing for spring/summer in your part of the world, we benefit greatly by being able to see this piece.
    Well done!

  5. Beautiful dreams. I love this.

  6. Anna,
    This is a very soft, "dreamy" piece. I like your flower stars and have always loved the idea of a moonlight garden.

  7. Great abstracted flower in a gloomy winter awaiting summer. I like the one ghost flower.


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