Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cold Hands by Penny Irwin

pieced using freezer paper and glue stick.

One January there was a wet snow during the night and no wind to drift it.
By morning mounds of snow had covered every surface it had touched.

This is a very old gate post. My yard and home are beyond.


  1. Penny, I really like this piece. The yellow adds some zing to the piece, and the color you've used to represent the snow is great.
    I think you've done a great job!

  2. So I think you haven't quilted this yet - I think some quilting lines to add some texture to the spaces will really make your design pop.

  3. Lisa,
    this is actually quilted.
    The zig zag stitches go all the way through the batting and backing.
    Penny Irwin

  4. Cold Hands - You're blue snow is making my hands feel cold as I sit here in 80 something degree weather. Very good.

  5. This is a really refreshing piece, especially since we are having humid hot days here in South Carolina. I like the frosty feel of this piece, and the touch of color you added really adds to the overall impression. Joni

  6. Penny this is a fun departure from all the brightly colored summer garden flowers. Great fabric choices...good job


  7. Hi Penny, very imaginative interpretation of the photo and the challenge itself...I really like it. It has a futuristic, comic book feel. You can't tell what it is, but you know it's a place... a foreboding, but intriging place. Very striking...good job

  8. I have often wondered how one would depict snow, now I know... That cold bluey [cold hands] color.
    Very interesting take on both the challenge and your abstraction of your photo. I am glad it is warmer than that here! haha
    Good job Penny!


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