Friday, August 29, 2008

Hummingbird Breakfast

OK - so I'm finally done with the challenge - and it was a challenge - I don't usually work in abstract to it was kind of a push for me. I took a photograph of some crocosmia from my garden - this plant the hummingbirds love to munch on - they are nice and bright and very red and green - so I tried to make it not look like Christmas. I used red spirals for the flowers. I used a spectrum of greens so it wouldn't look too much like Christmas. The background is a hand dyed blue green. I then put on borders because without it just seemed to hang there. I quilted the piece in diamonds to represent the chain link fence.

So the name is Hummingbird Breakfast finished size 23x29.

Thanks for letting me host the challenge - it has been fun to see how far people can take abstract.

In Rainy Seattle


  1. The hummingbirds are really going to enjoy your garden.
    This was a challenge and I thank you.

  2. Lisa, very nice. I like what you've done with it, the swirls to represent the flowers is very clever.

  3. I really, really like this! It's abstracted just right!

  4. Lisa,
    This has been a really fun challenge, and I think alot of us are viewing abstract in a new way now. I think your hummingbirds should be really happy with your garden. I was kind of hoping one of them might decide to buzz on into your quilt. I love the variety of colors you used. Joni

  5. The spirals are terrific! I've never heard of crocosmia before. Such a luxurious color!
    I too thank you for the 'push' into the abstract world...LOL I will keep on trying

  6. Hi Lisa,
    I really like the color choices you made. The spiral motif to represent the blooms is a wonderful idea. The one suggestion I would make...I would like to see more variety in sizes of the spirals, some big and some small. It would add more interest. The green is so strong in the piece, so bigger red and more red would balance that I think. I know that not what real plant would look like, but this is an abstract and you have an artistic license!

  7. Hits abstraction right on the head! My only thought is that it needs... and I will echo Cynthia here, more and bigger, but the lower edge seems empty... how about some abstracted green leaves to fill it in more? The photo has more going on at the lower edge...
    Just a thought........

  8. Lisa, thanks for this challenge. It made me realise that i don't do abstraction very well.
    I like the colours within this quilt and your idea of spirals to represent the flowers is fantastic. I feel that a variety of different sized spirals may have added some variety to an already interesting and great piece.

  9. Lisa,
    I like your complimentary color scheme, your pieced border and that you let the blooms spill out into it.
    Penny Irwin


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