Thursday, September 25, 2008

Challenge # 25

Challenge # 25 - Friday, September 26, 2008

Guest Hostess – Cynthia Ann Morgan

Working in Series: Choose an idea from an art quilt you have completed in the past or start with a new idea. What is the idea, what is intriguing about it, and what do you want to do with it? Brainstorm possibilities with thumbnail sketches or descriptive lists. Choose the one you like the most.

Color Concept: Complementary color scheme is made up of two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.

The complements we think of first because they contain one of the primary colors, red, blue or yellow are:

Purple and Yellow,
Red and Green,
Orange and Blue

But we also have the more sophisticated complementary color combinations using the secondary colors:

Red-violet and Yellow-green,
Red-orange and Blue-green,
Yellow-orange and Blue-violet.

Choose a complementary color scheme to work with on your piece. These will be the main colors. To add depth, richness and interest, be sure to use variations of the color:

different values (light, medium, dark)
shades (blackened color),
tones (grayed color),
tints (pale, whitened color)
pure hues (color without black, gray or white).

It is fine to use some neutrals (black, white, cream, gray or beige), but otherwise try to stick to your main colors.

Composition Concept: Vertical, Horizontal or Diagonal layout

Vertical design is strong (think of a pole), horizontal design is relaxing (think of lying down) while diagonal design is dynamic (think of a river flowing). Choose one for your design layout. If you’re really brave, try a combination.

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