Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hide n Seek

I strayed a tiny bit from the challenge by adding the circle, originally it was just the undersea part, but then the series inspiration struck and this was perfect for the first one, I just needed to add a porthole!
My series is going to be *Through My Windows* and each will use blue and orange somewhere outside the windows.
This is 23x19 and still needs to be quilted


  1. I love this Cathy...your fabric choices are spot on! I can't wait to see it quilted, will you post again when finished?
    Good job!

  2. Probably Cherie, I am planning on doing a simple horizontal across the wall, and swirls in the water. Nothing fancy :-)I already have the next 2 of the series in my head screaming at me to get done so may do those first!

  3. Great job, wonderful vibrant colors. The blue you chose for the water is perfect.

    One suggestion would be to add some dimension to your porthole, so it didn't just look like a round frame. How about some bolts to bolt the porthole to the hull of the ship.

  4. great minds think alike Linda :-) I have my black all ready to cut some bolts out. I need to make a trip next week to get some more fusing. I ran out :-( I used old stuff that was separated from the backing to attach my fish and things for this. Could have sworn I had 1/2 a yard left.

  5. Are you sure you want black bolts? You want them to show up, but you don't want them to be distracting either. You might try some medium gray bolts also.

  6. Don't they also have brass ones in the real ships?

  7. Good idea, I have some gold fabric that would work great!

  8. Cathy, great job. I too would like to see more definition for the window. great use of the complimentary colors

  9. Cathy,
    Nice work, I didn't know they had porthole under water, it would be so cool to look out and watch the fish as you are doing in this piece. Love it.

  10. Hi Cathy - what a lovely little fantasy. It feels like I'm in a submarine. I too like the idea of adding the bolts and a bit of texture to the "wall" to emphasize the aspect of looking out. Look forward to seeing more.

  11. Joni, Maybe they don't! I have never been on a boat..LOL so I guess it must be a submarine like Roberta said!
    I have added 8 bolts to the porthole and shaded the edges of it with fabric crayon, I am trying to decide what to do with the walls. My other *windows* have things inside to enhance the idea of a window so will look and see what might be inside a submarine that I can add :-) Will repost when it is totally done.
    Thatnsk everyone for the comments :-)

  12. Cathy,
    looks like a submarine's window to me. Please post the finished piece, i want to see what you do.

  13. I enjoyed this work very much and echo the comments above. Look forward to seeing the completed piece.

  14. Cathy,
    The coral fabric and the ocean fabric were great choices. The little snail and stripe fish do seem camouflaged. That spotted guy might be somebody's lunch.

  15. Hi Cathy,I love the blue and orange...nice choice. The fish and coral look very floaty. I'd like to see a bit of definition between the coral and the orange fish & snail. A couple ideas - darken the coral to get some contrast. or outline either the fish and snail or the branches of the coral with black thread.

    As always, I love your sense of adventure and whimsy...very much fun.

  16. It is a great little piece. Love the colors. I agree with the others - some bolts would finish it off.


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