Tuesday, September 30, 2008


commercial and hand dyed cottons
My plan is to do a series of abstracts since my work almost always is quasi-realistic. As you can see I couldn't leave the abstract piece alone and turned it into a background for a tree and crow. Maybe abstract just isn't in me! But I'm going to keep trying until I made something none of us can identify as a tree or animal. As always, I had a grand time quilting the piece. I just received a sample pack of variegated threads from Superior and they behaved beautifully.
I will appreciate any comments. Thanks.


  1. Roberta,
    Your abstract makes a fantastic background! I love the effect of the blue and orange in this piece, and as always your crow is much enjoyed!

  2. Great abstract in the background. The tree and the crow adds nice interest to the foreground. Love your quilting.

  3. I really like this one Roberta. It looks like the silhouette of trees at sunset, black against the sky. And your crow is like a photo of the ones in my back yard!

    I LOVE your quilting!

  4. My initial thoughts about the background, were that it looked like Arizona landscape colors, with a cool stream running through the dry rocky terrain.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Roberta, I must echo what others have said. that is one gorgeous abstract background. The overall piece is quite breathtaking, love it! The shades of orange and blue are very eye catching, I find my eyes moving around the work.

  7. wow, i see the hot desert, cool oasis and searing hot sky. I think this would have been successful as an abstract but I love the crow!

  8. Quilting is really well done - I like all the different designs. Also like the pieced background with the bits of blue that just make the whole piece pop.
    Kathy Angel Lee

  9. Very bright, very effective! It made me gasp when I first saw it. So fun to look at!

  10. Love the colours, love the crow.
    Great work Roberta

  11. I echo all the other comments. Great piece, great color, great crow. I especially noticed your choice to border/bind it with the brown. Someone else may have thought it done without the border, but you nailed it.

  12. Oh, my Roberta.... isn't this just the best? I love it to pieces, no pun intended ...
    Your quilting is to die for and oohoohooh...... how did you do that binding?? I always do the 'traditional' binding which means hand sewing the back down.
    Will this get to go in your show?

    I have to say it is so good to have you back! You are an inspiration.
    So beautiful... really looking forward to well... will it be a crow series.. maybe??

  13. Great movement towards abstraction - the background works well for the tree an crow. I'm looking forward to the next one.

  14. Thanks to all of you for commenting on this little quilt. I appreciate your words.

    Carole asked about the binding - I have to confess I was feeling rushed by too many things going on so I fused on a binding. I think Robbi Eklow's book was where I originally found the instructions.

    Adhere fusible web to your binding fabric. Cut it in 1" or so strips using a wavy blade. Fuse it on the front, flip it over and fuse it to the back. Couldn't be simpler. Then stitch over it with a straight stitch or decorative stitch.

    And Elizabeth said she liked the binding so I have to say I started to do a facing but this piece needed something to stop the eye so the dark binding seemed like the solution.

  15. Hi Roberta, yes, it's good to have you back...hope you have time to participate in as many challenges as you want to this year.
    I absolutely love this piece, it's graphic, colorful and full of interesting contrasts. Contrasts of the complementary colors, of the dark figures against the colorful background, of the graceful shapes of the leaves to the chunky blocks in the background and of the vertical feel to the horizonatal feel. You did well to mix in shades, tones and tints with your pure hues...that's the key to having a bright but not overwhelmingly so, piece. I wouldn't change a thing.

  16. Beautiful quilting! I like all the textures you have achieved with it.
    Especially like the texture of the circles and the fence post print which appears over both the earth and sky.

  17. Hi Roberta,

    I just LOVE this one. It has so much going for it. The blues just jump off the screen at me, but they are so well balanced by the silhouetted tree and crow. And I am just crazy about that orange purple grid fabric and the narrow blue strips. Really, really nice. Looking forward to your adventures in abstraction!



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