Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Untitled and Undecided

In August, I started a new job with the local university and boy has that cut into my quilting time! It's intense and fun and good money and very stable in this crazy economy, but I'm wiped out at the end of the day! So my quilting is confined to weekends now.... and the rare days I get done on time and get home right after work.

Last Sunday, I just stayed home. It was heaven! Since I haven't decided on a series, I just grabbed my complementary colors (lime green and red/purple) and started random strip piecing... no plan, no goal, just playing. Lots of linear quilting to emphasize the lines. I have no idea what it means or signifies, except a nice Sunday home alone! So its untitled and I'm still undecided for a series.... but here it is. Comments of course are welcome!


  1. Hi Wendy - I like the way you just started putting things together and letting the piece go where it wanted. It worked.

    If this were mine I would probably start adding something here and there and I would mess it up. It is very attractive to look at just as it is - good graphic interest.

  2. Wendy, you have certainly captured the theme for this challenge. great colors.

  3. Sounds like you quilt the way I do. I call it 'grab and go' quilting. I really like your strong contrast and texture achieved through the piecing.

  4. I'm envious that you can do "grab and go" as someone else called. You were successful with the colors and the design.

  5. Wow! Great mix of greens for the background. How did you know just where to put the dark pieces? It has great balance.

  6. What a perfect way to spend a relaxing Sunday! You certainly achieved the challenge! Nice...

  7. Fabulous colours. You met the challenge very well.

  8. Good job. I like that you broke up the vertical quilting with the horizontal quilting on the red/purple fabric.

  9. Hey Wendy....... great little piece, just colors. Cool!
    Maybe a 'Sunday' series and see where it takes you. What fun!!

  10. The colors work well - but of course - I like the movement of the purples and the thirds of the piece.

  11. Hi Wendy, you picked my favorite color combination...I love lime green and fuschia, too. I like the piece, but it doesn't seem completed or balanced to me. There's potential there, and I think you could add some more elements. More rectangles in varying sizes? other dark elements/shapes like circles or lines? a scattering of shapes in an organic line to add movement?

    Looking forward to seeing lots of your work this year...if you're not working too hard at your new job that is!

  12. Play is the whole point! (in my opinion)
    Good for you. I love the beautiful mix of greens you chose. They have a restful feel. Maybe put this one by your desk at work?

  13. Hi Wendy,

    I always enjoy your quilts, and am selfishly sorry that you have less time to work on them, but congrats on the new job. Just love these colors!


  14. I like quilts that kind of make themselves.


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