Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dreamscape 2....City Limits

My series will be called Dreamscapes. My inspiration was the piece i did for challenge 15; Dreamscape...Moonrise.
I love the full moon and it affects me deeply.
Through this series i want to work through some personal feelings; and some weird dreams.
The piece is bound and quilted.
Any critiques/ suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks for looking.
Anna K.


  1. Anna, this is really something.. how on earth did you do your cityscapy? It is fabulous, I keep looking at it!
    And of course, the rising moon....
    Looks like you used blue-violet and yellow-orange? Or is it this monitor, perhaps it is blue and orange?

  2. WOW! This is incredible! I love it, the city is terrific and I love the woman in the bubble? wheel? Whatever it is really cool :-) Great job!

  3. Fantastic! The cityscape is alive! Am I correct in seeing the blue-orange complimentary? wnderfuk hues.

  4. This is excellent Anna! It really feels like a dream. What is the significance of the long stitches anchoring the bubble? Very cool!

  5. Cherie,
    the long pieces of satin stitch surrounding the bubble represent spikes that protect my bubble from intrusion. I was going touse nails with the sharp points facing outwoods, but didn't have any suitable nails.
    Now you know how weird my ideas are!

  6. Great colors, great images, quiet drifting movement. It reminds me of the floating dreams I've had.

  7. Anna,
    What a wonderful imagination you have. It's great to be floating to up about the city. I like that you protected your bubble. We all need that sometimes. Your city is fantastic and really adds to the dreamlike quality of your work. Super!

  8. Hi Anna - This is such a rich environment you have created. The contrast in scale with the woman in the floating circle and the cityscape in the background is just too good. I too like the "nails" you added to protect your bubble.


  9. The depth in the cityscape is wonderful. I like that you repeated the circular shape in the moon and the curve of the skyline. Nice job!

  10. I love the fluid feeling of the woman's shape. It adds to the dreaminess of the piece. Fabulous New York fabric! Great moon!

  11. This is a very interesting piece. The woman really seems to be floating over it all. Could you tell us what size it is?

  12. Love that big, full moon and the dreamer in her bubble. Really interesting idea for a series.

  13. Elizabeth, It's 25" x 19".
    Thanks for everyone's comments

  14. This is a very striking piece. I like the lady in the bubble. Of course I love the moon.

  15. Hi Anna, Everyone loves it, including me. The things I like about it most...that you used all the various oranges, a blackened orange sky, a tinted orange moon, and the pure hue orange (that adds to the rich feel of the piece)....the use of vertical lines in the cityscape, the horizontal line of the wall at the bottom and the diagonal line of the woman's body...the feeling of mystery you've created. I wouldn't change at thing, it's gorgeous!
    Looking forward to more very interesting dreams.

    PS Oh, yeah...the binding with it's opposite that too

  16. Hi Anna,

    What more can I add? I love it, especially the moon.
    Great job!



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