Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rhoda Ch#25

I have my right hand in a cast for another no new work...but my series will be women at work and since this piece that Ive donee fits with this months challenge I have decided to use it.
I have used the complimentary colors of orange-blue, have tried to follow the principles of design. I look forward to your comments .
Many of you will recognize this gal.


  1. Hey Rhoda... is this a self portrait? It's a lot of fun, but I don't recognize what "work" she is doing?
    Hope you heal quickly and get back to quilting :)

  2. This is wonderful Rhoda, She looks a little bit country to me, is she wearing cowboy boots? :-) And is she a quilter? It looks like her work on a wall with pieces on the floor. I could be wrong though!

  3. Hi Rhoda,

    I like this gal's attitude. I'll bet she is busy supervising some work being done. Looks like she is burning some midnight oil too. Nice work.

  4. Hi Rhoda - Sorry about your hand but glad you shared this work. This woman is a blast - she does look like a cowgirl and seems tough enough for any challenge. And I particularly like the moon with a face. Now that I have my own idea of what this woman represents I'd love to hear from you what it is that she is actually doing!

  5. She is 'Annie" posing as the old country and western actors used to, so her work is an actress. Thanks for the feedback.
    The moon is the cut out from her face.

  6. Rhoda,
    what a fun piece!
    Can i see Pamela Allen's influence in this piece?
    Your gal has Attitude

  7. Yes, there is a huge Pamela influence in this piece!

  8. Recognize this one Rhoda.... thank you for another look at her.... if this was my series I would call it 'Attitude'......... wonder how far one could go with that.

    Looking forward to having you 'back in the saddle'.......

  9. Hi and welcome Rhoda,
    I like the way you used the top stitching. Also like the look of those whimsical trees and the fence. Your cowgirl looks tough, like she is starting the day rather than ending it.

  10. Hi Rhoda, sorry to hear about your hand..that's hard for a creative person to not have use of their hands. Your piece does fit the challenge...both complementary color scheme and a vertical feel to it with your strong woman standing and that fantastical plant life and fences in the background.
    Good idea for a series...can't wait to see what you do!
    Heal up soon!

  11. Hi Rhoda,

    I feel for you; I broke my wrist a few years ago (and it was, of course, my writing hand). I did finish a quilt with the cast on, but it sure wasn't pretty!

    I really like this piece, especially the light/dark contrast in the background, and the echoing of the trunk shapes with the fence(?) shapes to the left. Looking forward to seeing more of the series in the future.


  12. Fun piece. Couldn't help but smile when I saw it.


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