Monday, October 27, 2008

Blue Shapes

This is my answer to Challenge 26. I continue to work in my 'Stripes' series. The monochromatic color scheme is blue. I needed to get this done especially quickly before leaving for Houston (for the first time). I combined the challenge with my own desire to play in Photoshop in a new way. I created the image in photo shop, printed on fabric, quilted, added some hand stitching around a few shapes and here it is.

Any comments you would like to make would be appreciated. I am especially interested in the effectiveness of the almost squares in the upper right. (I know that they do not contribute to the piece being as cohesive as it could.) Which one do you think is the closest?


  1. Elizabeth, my eye perceives the darkest one as being farthest away, and the lightest one as being closest.

  2. I like your color scheme and you met the challenge there. Good job! The dark squares are creating some tension in the design. The one over the circles appears most foreward and the smallest appears farthest away because of size.

    Enjoy Houston!

  3. Hi Elizabeth - This is an interesting piece - something about it confuses my eye. I think it is that with the three squares I see the darkest as being the most distant. But when I get to the circles and rectangle the darkest is closest because it overlays the light and medium circles. That's not to say there is anything wrong with it at all. The confusion makes me look at it longer and examine it more closely.

  4. Nice piece Elizabeth. I think what I might have changed is the light blue circle, made it lighter and perhaps overlapped the square? There is perspective in the piece and it has a real feel of abstract art. Was thst your intention?

  5. I like this one a lot! My inclination would have been to put the light blue circle in the front, overlapping the darker square showing a shadow of the corner of the square, but this looks great :)

  6. A lovely abstract piece Elizabeth.

  7. Hi Elizabeth, Hope you had fun in Houston (I did!). This piece is interesting to me because there is a feeling of perspective in the background with the smaller shapes and a feeling of a flat plane floating in front with the larger and transparent shapes. Love the colors and the simple quilting lines
    Great job!

  8. Thank you all for your comments. Because of you, I have some ideas for improving it and am thinking I might actually work on it some more in a larger format.


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