Sunday, October 26, 2008

ren's Solar Orbs

Solar Orbs
11.5 inches wide x 17.5 inches high

Here's my study in yellow-orange and perspective. I didn't mean to have the rays go outside the orbs, but then when I got going in free-motion, it just happened. I'm not yet good at doing straight lines by free-motion, so this was exercise in that, too. I guess I should have photographed this on a dark background. SO much to learn!
Comments welcome!


  1. The rays going outside the orbs add to the piece. I like the effect. Nice perspective and choice of colors.

  2. I really like this.. you definitely hit the point of perspective on the head.. and the colors are yummy...

  3. I think your accidental quilting adds to the piece. Love that you signed it on the front and love the colors. Very effective work.

  4. You successfully met this challenge on both points! I like the quilting spikes and the way you put the front orb outside the box.

  5. Hi Ren - I think this is such a jolly piece - the balls seem to be erupting and dancing. Your "quilting outside the lines" was very successful. The quilting is exuberant and fits the mood of the piece very well. I love happy accidents!

  6. Ren, I really like this piece. The 'fuzzies' add character to the orbs. You have really nailed the challenge requirements.

  7. I'm seeing Chinese lanterns, or may a caterpillar. In any case, this is so much fun to look at!

  8. It has a definite Chinese feel to it for me. Sort of like "Coolie" hats. (is that how it's spelled?) Fun quilt!

  9. Cherie, after reading your comment i see 'coolie" hats, not orbs!
    Great imaginings!
    Love the quilted lines outide the orbs and great fabric choices

  10. Hi Ren, fun and interesting piece! I see some paper umbrellas in there with the hats the others see. Are the colors more, orange, yellow-orange and yellow, than monochromatic? or did the color not photograph true? regardless, it's a good perspective study with the overlapping and decreasing sizes. I like how the bottom orb comes off the adds more perspective too. Great job!

  11. Thank you for all the comments!
    Cynthia, I see all these orbs as orange, just different versions of orange. But, that's not to say that they aren't more analogous than monochromatic. Don't know. The photograph is true to color. Also, it's what was in the stash :)


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