Saturday, October 04, 2008

Challenge 25 - Moonlight Walk by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Here is my piece called Moonlight Walk . The first in a scenes-with-moon series inspired by japanese woodcuts. The composition is mainly vertical. I used mainly purple and yellow (though the photo looks more pinkish and really is purple). I didn't intend to use the large amount of green in it, but it needed it, so it is not a true complementary color scheme.

The piece is 24" x 36" and constructed with fused applique and lots of little zig zag stitching to catch the edges. I'm trying to work a bit bigger this year and I'm seeing that with a detail piece like this, it is much easier to work big.

Critiques welcome!



  1. One word pretty well sums it up for me Cynthia...WOW! This is beautiful!

  2. Hey! Cherie took the words right out of my mouth LOL

  3. Cynthia,
    you are a true inspiration.
    This piece is stunning and so serene.
    I love the outline of the trees and the woman is so elegant.
    Such an outstanding piece of work; after your 'wave'
    A outstanding piece of work.

  4. As always your quilting is inspiring. What more can I say.

  5. Loved it...clicked on photo and drew off your quilting especially loved the hoping that I can learn it so that I might try it ...seems I just do simple fill in and then my piece looks so "bla"...

  6. Elegant and beautiful. The quilting really adds to the total effect. You really did need the green - it wouldn't have been the same without it.

  7. This is stunning, Cynthia. I like how the shape of the woman echoes the shape of the tree. I like the green you added. Can you share the woodcut you were inspired by?

  8. Another WOW from me. You haven't heard too many yet have you? Wouldn't change a thing.

  9. What a beautiful piece! Inspirational. I also enjoyed looking closely at the quilting. It's terrific.

  10. A Masters piece without a doubt!!
    Lovely, that pretty little face, so elegant, the WHOLE piece is elegant.
    The sky fabric is so right, did you start with that fabric and then pull from there?
    Love your quilting, it surely can make a difference to the overall feel.
    Well done...
    a true inspiration for us.

    Green is a neutral? Apparently and did you know red is a neutral in the fashion world of shoes and handbags? So is navy blue ...
    So here we go girls!! Gives neutral a whole new meaning! haha

  11. Simply stunning , every detail!
    The green as a neutral really worked for this piece. You certainly are a great role model for us!

  12. I love this! It is really beautiful, gorgeous and elegant and all the other adjectives everyone else has applied.

  13. Your work is so consistently gorgeous!

  14. Hi Cynthia,

    This is really lovely, and I was so excited when you said you would be doing this series, because I think the wave one was one of my all-time favorites.

    Very nicely done; I really love the way you did the foliage. Can't wait to see the next one.


  15. It seems like all the adjectives have been used so I'll just say "WOW".

  16. Hi Cynthia - You've made another fine piece. The composition itself is so pleasing and has that lovely woodcut feeling. Then you managed to find just the right fabrics. The background fabric below the moon is too good - it picks up the lining of her wrap and makes it all fit together.

    Your choice of quilting motifs complements the piece so well. One of the nice things about working larger is that you can add more elements to the piece without getting a "busy" look.

    I've run out of superlatives. Will just say there's nothing that seems out of place or needing improvement to me.

  17. Hi Cynthia,
    As always, you quilting amazes me! Just beautiful!
    Love the subject matter and idea of your theme. You have "illuminated" the woman with your juxtaposition of values and compliments. Her face seems to glow.

    Does this woodcut illustrate a Japanese fable or story?

  18. Hi Cynthia,
    There must be an echo in here... Wow again. I love the feel of your piece, so serene and beautiful. The quilting is wonderful and adds so much texture and flow to your work. Just had to comment since this is absolutly wonderful. I love Japanese art having lived in Japan for three years and have several woodblock prints that I purchase while living there back in the 70's.

  19. This is just a wonderful piece, Cynthia! I'd be interested in giving it a home if you're interested in selling. Let me know off list.


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