Friday, October 03, 2008

At the Edge of the Bog

12.5 x 14

My series will be on vegetation. This first one was done using red-violet and yellow-green. The orientation is mostly vertical. It is machine appliqued by machine through all three layers. I haven't done any additional quilting yet. This week was filled with "have to do" things.


  1. Hi Sally, so nice to see this one.... vegetation, that will make a nice series, that is for sure.
    You chose the same complementary color scheme I did, so obviously I like it !
    A 'springy', cheery piece even tho' we are well into fall.
    It is very pleasing, and I am sure meets the challenge and you will get some nice comments.
    Well done!

  2. The color scheme is wonderful, lots of life at the edge of this bog! Well done.

  3. It looks like a 'late' spring snow on your flowers to me. Very graceful composition...

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing the final piece. It reminds me so much of irises - love the color combination.

  5. Vegetation - what a great idea! You'll have lots of inspiration to pick from. I like the varied background on this piece - was the fabric like that or did you stamp it?

  6. Nice piece. I like the simplicity of your flowers.

  7. I look forward to seeing this with the quilting done. A very graceful composition.

  8. Kathy--You asked about the background fabric---it is as purchased. I am one of those quilters who works entirely with purchased fabric and thread---rarely using anything else. I love what others do---but am not comfortable doing painting, etc. myself. So--I keep the fabric and thread industry busy! Sally

  9. Hi Sally, very cool piece! It has a night time mystery about it. The only comment I have is that I'd like to see a bit of definition between the flower stalks and the plants at the bottom...maybe some thread outline/detail in a darker thread?
    Glad you could jump into Year 3 with your vegetation series...I look forward to seeing more!

  10. Nice work, Sally! I also love your series theme of vegetation. That will be fun. Like you I work with commercial fabrics. I used to dye fabric, but decided to give it up and concentrate on sewing.

  11. Hi Sally - I was immediately drawn to your quilt. The colors are appealing and there's something really interesting about the stems and foliage. But I felt like something was missing in that big expanse above the flowers. I saved your picture into Picasa and cropped off part of the top and about a third of the right side. The flowers and foliage fill the picture and it looks even better. Cropping it gives the greenery much more importance. And it looks sort of like a Velda Newman piece. Whatever you decide to do with this, it is a lovely piece of work.

  12. Roberta mentioned the extra space at the top. The quilt is not yet quilted and I am sure will get trimmed down at that point. I didn't want to trim too much off at the start---hard to add back!

  13. Sally, this piece drew me in as soon as it was up. Love the colours and the background.
    Make sure that you show us the completed work!

  14. Hi Sally,
    I like the abstract blooms and the variety of fabrics used in this. That "brush stroked" green in the foreground is especially effective as you used it.
    Looking forward to more of your series.


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