Sunday, October 26, 2008

Challenge 26 - Winter Twilight

Continuing with the theme Branching Out - my piece is Winter Twilight.

I choose the monochromatic blues since that is the most of I have in scrapes. I don't feel like I have a good range of blues but it seemed to work out - I wish I had more medium values. I used the light values for the horizon and the ground and the dark values for the trees. In order to show perspective I used used scale - smaller and larger trees in the distance. I also did very simplified trees. To highlight the ground and the sky was done primarily in the quilting lines - snow drifts for the ground and bubbles for the sky.

The final size is 23 x 32.

In Seattle


  1. The simplicity of this piece is appealing. What would it have looked like if you'd made the trees in the back with lighter fabric (as though they were disappearing into the background) and the trees in the foreground with the darker fabric? Just wondering.....

  2. I also find the simplicity appealing. The simple shapes against the pieced background is effective. What if you attempted shading the two trees in the foreground either with paints or by using two pieces of fabric almost the same shade.

  3. Lisa, I like this piece a lot. When I clicked on the larger image, I could see the quilting and the texture you have created. I knew immediately what you had portrayed! What would have happened if you place the light source at the front corner and angled the shadows back on the diagonal? And given all the trees a shadow? Great work!

  4. I like your choice of color to convey the cold feeling. The only thing I might have changed is framing it in. What would have happened if it didn't have the top sashing?

    Good job!

  5. Hi Lisa - Great job - a few simple shapes, use of one color family and you have communicated a feeling of chill and stark winter trees and the shadows tell us the time of day. Very effective. Your quilting adds a nice dimension.

  6. Lisa, great job for this challenge! It does look like a cold wintry day. The only yhing I might suggest is changing the border to a dark border. Nice quilting.

  7. I like your trees! The simplicity is really effective, and the quilting is great!

  8. I really like your quilting Lisa. I too wonder how it would appear if your lightest and darkest tree colors were reversed so the back trees fade into the background?Good job...

  9. Fabulous quilting Lisa, and the cool colours suggest winter so well.
    the border around the piece is distracting to me; chops the piece up too much. But that's just my opinion.
    good work

  10. Hi Lisa, very cool piece...I like the background with it's subtle shading and color variation. The main comments I have are relating to variety...I think it would be more interesting to have more variation in the sizes, color, fabrics and lines of the trees. I do think the variety in the spacing of the tree is effective though. As far as the sashing...I like the side and bottom pieces, but the top one seems to box it in. It might feel more expansive to crop that off? The big pluses on this piece in my opinion is the graphic simplicity of the design, the lovely background and the fine quilting. Good job!


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