Thursday, October 02, 2008


For my series I am going to mainly use circles, with other geometric shapes thrown in as necessary. The quilt I have posted uses the green/red complementary palette which is not one of my favorites, but a challenge should definitely be a challenge. This past April I was honored to have been in an intensive four day class led by Liz Berg where we studied abstract design. The lessons deeply affected me in both my quilts and in my artwork. Beacuse of her lessons I feel much more confident in composition and use of color, though I do know I still have much to learn! My little quilt - 8 1/2" x 11" - is based on a series of exercises we did. Liz sent us out to do line drawings of our surroundings, and I found myself drawn to the foxgloves. When viewed as elementary shapes, they are just circles, ovals and straight lines - perfect for abstraction. I used two shades of red and added a few mid-tone green sticks to the composition.Any and all comments are always welcome.

So that's my story in a nutshell, and I'm stickin' to it!

Ann In Walnut, CA


  1. I saw the foxgloves immediately and laughed when I read they were your inspiration. I also like your off center composition. Very nice piece!

  2. Very nice Ann. This is a great abstract and the comlimentary colors worked so well for this piece.

  3. This is an interesting piece. Your use of the colors was perfect. The strips of the darker green are in just the right places.

  4. I recognized the foxglove straightaway as well.... nice use of complementary colors, and of course, the flowers make it vertical in line.
    Well done, and I am keen on watching your circles as they become a series.

  5. Ann, a lovely piece. Great choice of colours and great quilting.
    How lucky were you to do a workshop with liz Berg.
    I'm so envious.

  6. I love your fabric choices Ann! I'm afraid I'm not much of a gardener, so didn't recognize the type, but the flowers a pretty in this color combo...

  7. I like the green stick - I think they add some great interest - maybe some more contrast on the red circles instead of just one fabric. The print does add some variation.

  8. There are two fabrics in the flowers, but my scan shows the contrast as a little low. I'm thinking of adding a bit of off white to the centers to make them stand out more.

  9. Hi Ann, Red and green...not Christmasy at all! That's a challenge to do. Your choice of muted greens and shaded red is great together. Tons of wonderful texture in this piece with your pattern fabric and heavy quilting. What would it look like with a few of the circles being brighter and or darker?
    Good job, Ann...glad you are back for another year of fun!

  10. Probably much better, Cynthia - LOL!! In retrospect this spiece is too much the same tone. Something to work on next time.

  11. Hi Ann,
    I really like the textures you achieved in the background. How did you make the very dark green stems/leaves? Paint? Paint stick?
    They are abstract, subtle and simple. I like them a lot.

    I also really like the lighter pink centers on some of the blooms.

  12. Hi Ann - Your use of circles is engaging. And I like it that they didn't have to be perfect circles. So you still have an organic look to an abstract piece. I'm so envious!

    I think a bit more variety in the reds would add a bit of spice but, all in all, it is a very successful work just as it is.


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