Thursday, October 02, 2008

Yellow Post-It by Penny Irwin

7.5" X 9.5"
Yellow-orange and blue-violet

In the manner of Paul Klee's "signs of Yellow".

This could become part of a series based on one or a variety of painters; or a series based on grids or something else I have forgotten.
Or this might end up being a series of one. Depends a lot on the challenges to come.

I enjoy using fabrics as fabric rather than as paint. I deliberately included an obvious print; monochromatic due to the challenge. Otherwise I might have used a multicolored print.
Rather than an element for element copy of the painting, this was a playful bow to the artist's cryptic symbols. I love my art sunny side up!


  1. Hi Penny.... this is a refreshing little piece. So cheery and the blue just sparks it up!
    I am just wondering if in the second row, where you have 2 blues making a line, if it could have been moved over one 'section' in the patchwork? I guess that would be the middle?
    But since it is already finished, it is hard to make a change like that.
    So what will your series be?
    The use of the yellow-orange? Or based on some of the old artists?
    Very interesting concept.

  2. I do like what you have achieved with this piece Penny.
    Abstract and an elegant simplicity; something i can't do.
    Well done.

  3. I love the colors and clean lines, however, I too would like to see the double blue vertical line broken.

  4. I love this! I also have the yellow fabric in purple and green. I'll have to check out Paul Klee's work. Quilting is nicely done.

  5. Hi Penny, Your style fits Paul Klee's style very could easily do a successful series on Klee...lots to work with. I like the grid and the graphic look of your piece. Would it be more interesting to add some white rectanges in with the yellow like Klee's piece...and also more/skinnier lines?

    Good job, Penny...and good to have you with us again this year. I've noticed your critiques on the others' pieces and they are very insightful.

  6. Very nice abstract Penny, Klee would be proud. I too appreciate his wrk.

  7. I like the simplicity. Did you intentionally use 3 blocks of each yellow fabric or was it a happy accident? I wonder what would happen if you used the blue for the binding. It might take care of the double line that is bothering others. The quilting is well done and fits nicely.


  8. Hi Penny - you have done such a pleasing job in emulating Klee your way. I really like this little abstract. It is engaging both to the brain and the senses - a nice combination.

    I was thinking about Janice's suggestion about the blue for the binding and I could picture a tiny blue piping inside the yellow binding to pull the blue out to the edges - sort of like Kathy L. did on her Zipper quilt. Obviously you don't want to remake a finished piece but just thought I'd throw in that idea for future consideration.

  9. Janice, yes the placement of the yellows was intentional. I used three of each fabric: one designated as the "light" one "dark" and two "medium" values. I used what I had on hand or no doubt would still be looking at fabric!!

    re: blue as binding
    I did try that but did not like the look as well.

    re: the blue in the center rather than off-set:
    I extended the blue line "deliberately" to express a symbol. I wanted to avoid using it as an element in a more symmetrical nine patch type design. Guess I succeeded! LOL

    The narrow piping idea sounds interesting. I have never done piping. Something else to learn...

    Thanks all for your thoughtful comments. They have given me new ideas to consider.

  10. Penny, I love that you knew exactly what you were doing with this piece! For piping, I have glued/fused a thin cording on the binding line when I found I needed something more. It's easy to preview that way without committing to it.

  11. Penny,
    I like the fresh feel of this piece, and Klee is one of my favorite artist's too. You certainly have achieved a "sunny side up" quilt - bold and fresh. I hope you will continue with this artist for your series.


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