Thursday, October 30, 2008

Green fence

With this challenge, I finally found a use for the green wood fabric that I've had for years. I used commercial fabrics, as I am trying to use up some of my stash. I pulled out all my green fabrics and was able to use six in varying shades from yellow-green to olive to dark hunter green (tree trunk). This is the second in my garden series. It has minimal quilting, but I will likely add more later, as well as some shading/shadow. I was also able to use some nice hand-painted Japanese green silk thread, which I couched along the pathway.
Since I am a newbie, I welcome all comments and suggestions. Thanks, Linda Mac in Wyo.


  1. Hi Linda. You have perspective down pat with the angle of the fence and diminishing size of the path. I'm curious and it's hard to tell sometimes on monitors, is this all greens or is there pink in it? Nice piece.

  2. Linda, great fabric choice, what a great variety of greens, and you certainly have perspective with the fence and path. I really like this one!

  3. I love your fabric choices..the fence and the trees are terrific! The fence really draws me in and makes me wonder what's behind it. The one thing I'd like to see is something to define the horizon - distinguish foreground from background to "ground" the tree and the fence...that may be what you're headed to if you add some shading/more quilting as you mentioned. Just my rambling thoughts...overall, a really nice serene piece!

  4. Thank you for your comments.
    Janice, I don't see any pink in the original or on my moniter.
    Karen, I agree the tree needs grounding and I will work on that. I really appreciate each of you taking time to critique, as this is how I hope to learn from this experience.
    Linda Mac in Wyo

  5. Linda, do you mean new to art quilting, or new to this group? Either way, welcome. I especially like the tree...very oriental feeling. The blossoms appear pink on my monitor as well. Very soft and pretty!

  6. This is a lovely piece...good work on the fence, the leaves in the corner and your serene tree.
    I would like to see some
    evidence of a horizon. I'm not expressing myself well, i'm sorry. At present it looks incomplete, and i'm sure that your quilting and shading will change that.
    Well done!

  7. I like you quilt. It has a very soothing feel to it. I agree with some of the other comments in that you should consider creating a horizon to anchor it. Maybe a few shadows at the fence and tree to define the lighting.

  8. Hi Linda - Your soothing piece has a lovely spare oriental feeling. The fence seems sort of stuck in there until you crop off the left edge and take the fence to that edge. That change, for me, brings the whole piece together. Nice work!

  9. Hi Linda, so glad to have you in the group. I was immediately drawn to the tree with the graceful trunk and unusual's wonderful! And I love the serene background with it. A couple comments to consider: Would the fence look more congruous and give better perspective if it were extended to the edge? Would it improve the piece to add shading and/or more threadwork to the mid to upper background to create a far ground of horizon and mountains? What would it look like with a few more smaller rocks strewn about?

    Just want to mention also that there are actually 3 colors here - yellow-green, green and blue-green...2 tertiary colors and 1 secondary color (green). When I first studied color I could not tell the difference...look at your color wheel and see if you can distinguish the 3 colors.

    Great job, Linda...I look forward to seeing more of your work!


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