Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rhoda ch#26

I hate to miss a challenge, but I can tell you using only my left hand was a huge challenge as was monochromatic color! I chose brown and hope that I achieved some perspective. It is a real challenge working with one color. you might note that I snuck in a bit of burgundy.
Carrying on with my women at work theme I'm sure that you can all guess what these gals profession is.

I look forward to your comments.
Thanks for the great challenge Ann.


  1. Wow you did this with one hand? I sure couldn't do that! So this was a 3 part challenge for you wasn't it? You did great, I certainly see perspective, and I like the little bit of burgundy :-)
    profession...the oldest one?

  2. Hi might say you met the challenge single handed???? I know...groan....nice job.

  3. Cathy yes the oldest profession. I just had my cast removed from my right hand a week ago today, and now have a splint that is keeping my wrist and thumb had the use of the tips of my right fingers :)

  4. I knew those girls were up to no good! I love pieces that tell a story...Nice job...and I can't believe you did this one-handed! :-)

  5. Rhoda, it is challenging working with one colour; and it must be an even greater challenge working with one hand.
    You've done a great job with colour; such an effective use of fabrics.
    You've demonstrated perspective well; especially with that other gal at the top of the stairs.
    Well done

  6. Pretty amazing for only one hand. You did a very good job of demonstrating perspective and brown's a difficult color to work with. Isn't burgandy just a really dark shade of brown?!

  7. Very clever! You can almost see around the bend at the top of the fist set of stairs, going on up. Good use of perspective...

  8. Hi Rhoda - You have done a great job meeting the monochromatic challenge and showing perspective as well. I don't know how you pulled it together without two hands but bravo to you - you did a great job.

  9. Hi Rhoda, this is very artistic. There is enough realism to catch the narrative, but there's a dark other-worldly look to it as well as a primitive feel. Great perspective with the stair step intervals and the converging lines on the walls. I love your work...can't wait to see what else you come up with! Hope your hand is soon back to normal.


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