Wednesday, October 01, 2008


My series is trees and just days before the challenge was issued we had a
Nor'Easter blow through that was bending the one tall pine in the back
yard unbelieveably! As soon as the challenge was announced I started
sketching to try to recapture the wind driving that pine over.

Composition is intended to be diagonal for the main image, and
horizontal in the background.

Judy Whitehead

Fusible strip piecing, shiva painsticks for toning, glitter thread and
beads for the rain.


  1. Hi Judy - You have done such an effective job in communicating the wind and the bending tree. Your fabric choices, including the leafy one at the bottom, work really well. The metallic thread quilting works really well too. I couldn't see the beading on-line. Another time I wish I could see the work in person. Keep up the good work!

  2. Judy, you have certainly captured the wind. The complimentary colors wrk very well for this composition. rdpecially the puroles. perhaps aq bit more variation in the green family would look ok ?

  3. You have a lot of movement in this piece. I can almost feel the wind. Great colors.

    The tree almost gets lost on the busy background. Perhaps if you had less contrast in the sky, your tree could stand out more.

  4. Nice job. Love the sky and the interest you gave to the tree.

  5. The horizontal lines in the background really give a sense of the strength of the wind. If you were looking out the window at the rain and wind, this is what is looks like.

  6. I can feel the wind, but I wish the sky was a little more ominous feeling...darker

  7. The wind does really overpower the tree. Very effective. I love the striped background especially.

  8. Great background. And i like the way that the tree is bent by the wind.
    I.d like to see the tree stand out a tiny bit more from the background.
    Good work

  9. You have very effectively shown the tree bent by the wind. I think the horizontal background lends to the understanding that the tree is wind bent. Am not sure whether you intend for the tree to appear to merge with the background or not. If yes, it does, if no, more contrast could be used.
    Well done.

  10. Judy, I love this piece, the fact that the tree is a tad obscured looks ok to me. I watched the TV coverage of the hurricanes and man! if you could see the tree in the wind, rain and flying mist you were doing good. I personally feel you have captured what I believe was your intent.
    Well done!! and looking forward to seeing more of your work.
    Trees will be an interesting series.

  11. As a fellow tree person - branching out I love this piece - thanks for inspiring me too look at trees movement. Very effective. I look forward to some more trees.

  12. Hi Judy, So many of us love the pieces often have trees in them, too. I absolutely love the background on this...the movement, the variety of tints, tones and shades of red-violet. And the ground is perfect, too..looks like fallen leaves and the feel of it contrasts nicely with the wavy horizontals of the sky. I would like to see the tree more prominent, too. Like larger, brighter, darker, more or longer branches, or outlined in thick black thread. Just some ideas to's not too late to try some of them on this piece ;)
    Looking forward to lots more trees...keep em coming! Great job!

  13. Love the way your tree is bending in the wind.

  14. "Who has seen the wind?"...
    That poor tree. I have some in my yard that the wind has permanently bent like that.

    Love the fused background; the shapes, colors and variety of values you used. I might be inspired to master fusing or at least try it! LOL


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