Friday, October 03, 2008

Sea Glass III

I have decided to continue my Sea Glass series which I began a couple of months ago.

Sea Glass III (9½ x 13) uses green and red as complementary colors. Green is one of the more common colors of sea glass (consider what colors beer and wine bottles commonly come in). Red is one of the least common. I’ve taken some artistic license and included some light pink. I’m guessing pink is more rare than red sea glass in the real world.

My original idea for a diagonal composition wasn’t working the way I had intended, and so I played with shapes until this spiral emerged. Does the small curve at the bottom help make this a diagonal composition? Perhaps this would qualify more as a circular composition.


  1. I really love the quilting on the white background. The textures are nummy!

    How did you finish the edge? Is it "bagged" or did you fold the edges around?

  2. Lovely piece. Your quilting design is a real compliment. Your main design is radial with a diagonal element. I wouldn't change a thing.

  3. Oh I love this! The colors and spiral are wonderful and the quilting is fabulous!
    Great job :-)

  4. I have been using a pillowcase finish a lot lately. I like the look, and eliminates a lot of handwork.

    I quilted around the individual pieces first to make sure they stay where I want them, added some fusible interfacing to the back side of the batting to make the quilt a bit stiffer and prevent the "glass" from puckering, then added a backing, turned it, and finished quilting in the white areas.

  5. I love the movement in your quilt. The quilting adds to the swirly feel of the piece and makes me think of a maze or labrynth. Good job!

  6. Love this piece - the complementary colors against the white and the quilting is wonderful - really adds a lot to the total piece.
    Great work!

  7. I also love this work. The quilting is so interesting. While I believe the curve at the bottom does not turn it from a circular to a diagonal composition, it definitely adds a lot to the piece. Don't change a thing.

  8. Linda, this Sea Glass is very 'lovely'... I use that term because of the softness of your background and the quilting makes it look like whipped cream. In fact, I can almost smell the Xmas candy that it looks like.
    Is this the same size as the other two? What exactly will you do with them? As in, I am wondering if you will 'folio' them somehow, or???

  9. This quilt is just slightly bigger (less than an inch) than the other two. I am trying to keep them all similar sized.

    Have been accepted into and sold a few smaller quilts in juried gallery shows. I'm hoping with a series or two of quilts, I might find gallery representation.

    I have been contemplating the best way to present these particular pieces. I was thinking about sewing them onto unprimed stretched canvas.

  10. Linda, i love the your quilting in this piece; it makes the glass really stand out against your wonderful background.

  11. Linda, another great piece in this series, as others have said your quilting is wonderful. I relly like your choice of complimentary colors, the shades of red and pink are very eye catching.

  12. Hi Linda...I am so happy to see you doing more of these wonderful 'sea gems' quilts. They are particularly lovely!
    I definitely think the quilting gives it a diagonal feel...

  13. I'm so glad you are doing this as a series - it is lovely - I love your background quilting - the piece really works.

  14. Hi Linda, This piece is distinctly diffent than your other sea glass pieces. They had an organic feel and this has a structured feel, like a mosaic. It's really gorgeous. The circular format with the radiating quilting lines is wonderful. I think alot of people working in a circular format can't resist showing the whole circle, but your cropped view works so well here.
    Great job!

  15. The quilting is unbelievable. Love it.

  16. Linda,
    I love your Sea Glass series!

    Red and green show up beautifully on the large white background you used.

    Pink is just light red, right?

  17. Hi Linda - You've made another beautiful piece. It is very rare that I see a piece with a white background and don't wish a different color had been chosen. But you have made it into a canvas for the outstanding quilting. The bits and pieces of "sea glass" form a lovely design. As Cynthia mentioned, cropping off the expected curve of the spiral makes the work so much more interesting. I think this piece will help you as you look for a gallery to carry your work. Good luck!

  18. Beautiful stitching, Linda, that quietly echos the lovely spiral composition of the 'sea glass'. It is such a wonderfully meditative piece with an element of motion!


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