Friday, October 03, 2008

Night Watch

Size 8.5 x 11
Colors chosen are red-violet and yellow-green.
Line is for the most part vertical, with a diagonal branch.

I used hand-dyed fabric for the background, a commercial print for the moon and tree and I felted the owl. Red-violet roving on dark red-violet felt.
I added beads for his eyes and beak, again yellow-green for the beak, but the eyes are, I'm afraid, purple!
I also used yellow-green and red-violet roving near the base of the tree and on the ground.
Red-violet roving is drifting across the moon.
I used the same colors in thread for the quilting.
I tried hard to use just the two colors , thinking that was the challenge.
I sure was tempted to add some others but found by sticking to it it could
actually work.
I am really looking forward to your critiques and comments in general.

A great challenge Cynthia, and I am really keen on doing this series.



  1. Carole,
    what lovely soft colours you have used so successfully.
    Such a cute owl, but looking so lonely.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your series; for you know i love the moon.

  2. Great piece Carole. The owl really stands out and the colors are 'lucious', this is going to be a great series to watch evolve.

  3. Your owl looks so soft and cuddly. I love your use of roving...prompts me to pull mine out and work with it some more! Well done!

  4. I love your moon - and the owl - what is your final series? Back to the moon - I really like that you picked an nontraditional not true to life color. I think it really works.

  5. I would love to see your little owl in a close up. Funny how these colors look just right as the night.

  6. Hi Carole, Oh, I love the little guy...I'm a bird lover anyway, but I really want this one to visit! Darling bird, good color choices and blending, whispy night time feel, and fun moon, what more could you ask for?
    Great job...wouldn't change a thing

  7. Hi Carole,

    I really like this piece, especially the green moon. The owl is just adorable. Great job.


  8. I love the colors and the owl. So the moon really is made of green cheese after all.

  9. Hi Carole - Your wee owl is delightful. The whole piece comes together so well. The piece has a melancholy feel to me. Something about that wispy purple roving and the muted background just says "lonesome!" And the green moon is just right too. Congratulations on a well done work.

  10. Hi Carole
    I love that you used both hand dyed and commercial fabrics. Both are beautiful.

    The roving cloud passing over the moon and the branch effectively achieve the diagonal orientation you wanted.

    I very much like that you put the moon/owl off center leaving negative space in the bottom third or so.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your series.


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