Thursday, October 30, 2008

What IS That? #2

Originally this was going to be done in I changed to browns. This is the 2nd in my what is that series and is 15x18.5", I was going to do them all 12" but decided to mix up the sizes for a more interesting quilt after the 12 months.
I held this item in front of me at an angle and took a picture, converted it to black and white and then drew it. I then used fusible webbing to make the various shapes, fused and then sewed the edges. Unfortunately I am out of batting so this will be added to the rapidly growing piles of things to quilt!
So what is that? :-D


  1. This is a great example of forced perspective and your use of browns was wise. I believe this is a corkscrew!

  2. I was waiting for somebody to guess that, but sorry, it isn't a corkscrew! :-)

  3. It could be a phone cord...or a drill bit?? Nice job whatever it is!

  4. thanks Karen, and nice try but sorry :-)

  5. well, it has to be small enough to fit in your hand so it could be curling ribbon? Nice job!

  6. wellll, if it isn't curling ribbon, how about a slinky or spring?

  7. Kathy great use of browns. You really did this challenge justice with this great piece.

  8. Kathy, i never would have guessed what this was.
    Great use of fabric in a clever piece.

  9. This is so much fun, guessing your subject each month :) I never in a million years would have guessed this one, but it's a super interpretation for it! Nice perspective...

  10. Hi Kathy - Somehow I missed finding out what this represents! I think your use of the various values of tans/browns is very effective. Whatever it is, its shape is well-defined and interesting.

  11. Hi Cathy, I like your piece, especially the graphic feel with the higher contrast of the black next to the light color. so...what is it then?
    PS...good idea to have a variety of sizes, it will be much more interesting and unusual.


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