Monday, November 03, 2008

Green Trees

Challenge #26, Perspective in monochromatic. Keeping with my theme of trees. I have mixed feelings about this piece. It was challenging (no pun intended) to complete this.

Judy Whitehead


  1. Good job Judy, you met the challenge well. This work has a lovely gentle feel to it.

  2. Hi Judy, so glad you're in the group...and I look forward to seeing lots of your work.
    I agree with Rhoda, there is a very gentle calm feel to this piece. And I think it comes from the shadowy, misty look you got by using the grayed tones of green and the mottled fabrics. The trees in the far ground are especially effective in showing perspective too...being less colorful and fainter. A couple comments to consider: What if there were 3 or 5 branches in the foreground instead of the even number of 4? Most times, odd numbers are more interesting and asymmetrical like nature. These 4 branches are placed and shaped so they are nearly mirror images. Would it be more interesting to add a third smaller or larger branch to a couple of the limbs? The other comment is on the middle trees. While I really like those trees, they are a bit incongruous with the other trees. It could be the color being a pure green and everything else a yellow-green..or it could be they have abundant leaves and everything else is without leaves. This piece has alot of pluses....great ground layers, good perspective, interesting tree shapes, good mix of textures and color variation in the fabrics. Very good job!

  3. Hi Judy,
    I really like the progression of color change from foreground to background and the overall softness of the piece contrasting with the dark trees and limbs in the front. The first thing I thought of was "can't see the forest for the trees"'s almost as if the middle trees are approaching, the center one being most timid, and the two in the front are holding them back. Very interesting composition!

  4. Judy, I like your piece very much. I especially like that the composition is framed by the trees in the foreground. You have definitely met the requirements of the challenge. I wonder what the effect of changing the color of the middle ground foliage would be?

    I enjoy thinking about what is just in front of this scene. Are the dark and barren trees in the front representing a point of view - darkness looking out on light, rebirth following a bad time? Perhaps I think too much.

    Good job!

  5. Hi Judy - The use of the gradation of background greens adds a nice depth to your work. And the trees becoming lighter and less detailed adds dimension. I particularly like the last row of trees - they are more of a suggestion of trees in strong contrast to the branches in the foreground. Nice work.


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