Monday, November 03, 2008


16" X 20"
Black fabric discharged with Jacquard Discharge Paste
Painted with watercolor dyes
My piece doesn't exactly meet the challenge of being monochromatic. I had this idea of quilting a design on black fabric and then discharging different quilted areas so they would appear like old stone huts. Then I made a pathway leading past the huts and off into the distance. The top seemed too empty so I threw in a stylized sun. After discharging the various areas I painted them with yellow and yellow-orange watercolor dyes. This was a fun piece to make and I believe I will refine this technique and use it in the future.
Thanks for looking. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. Roberta, this is a wonderful piece! The perspective in this work draws the eye inward and onward. I've never tried discharging, looking at this beauty makes me want to. Great piece of art.

  2. Roberta,
    I love this piece. It is most interesting. It really engages the viewer. I really like the technique that you used too.

  3. Hi Roberta, WOW. period. Isn't it wonderful when you try something new and just KNOW that you want to do it again?

    I think this fits monochromatic. My design books state a monochromatic scheme is values,tints, shades of one hue and either black or white.

  4. What a great way to get your monochromatic!! I love discharging and black is especially fun because you never know what you'll get until you do it. I think it works especially well gives a sense of being ancient and mysterious. Your perspective is very good too...the path draws the eye along and the dwellings get smaller. Nice job!

  5. Roberta, this is a great piece. Lots to look at. Meets the challenge requirements. Each time I look at it, I see something new. Your quilting adds a lot to it as well. The addition of the stylized sun gives my eyes a place to rest.

    I, too, am inspired to finally try discharge dyeing.

  6. Very nice piece, Roberta! The depth you've obtained from the bleaching and painting (especially on the walkway with the zigzig stitching) is great! Did you have to neutralize the discharge, and if so, at what point?

    Lovely work!

  7. Hi Roberta, love the's lush and glowing with light and rich with darkness. Gorgeous! I wouldn't change a thing. Please make a bigger version and enter it in the Tactile Architecture show next year!

  8. All I can say is BRAVO! (As it's all been said already:)) I love this piece Roberta...

  9. This is a wondeful piece Roberta.
    Congratulations for doing something so innovative and outstanding.


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