Monday, November 03, 2008

Just Under the Wire

I am a “newby” to the group as well as art quilts. I missed the first challenge due to traveling but hope to have the Seeds of Time completed in the next two weeks.

I was intimidated by the thought of a series so decided to do geometric shapes and then realized I have always wanted to do something with Time so will do both.

Just Under the Wire is my challenge 26 done in orange. All but the background fabrics are hand dyed and I played with some of the decorative stitches on my machine. My machine and I weren’t getting along as well as I would have liked but that too, is part of the learning curve. Piece is 11 x 15.

The title of this quilt may indicate when most of my challenges will be posted—Just Under the Wire as I tend to work better with deadlines looming.

Thanks for the invitation to join this great group with so many fantastic quilters.



  1. Hi Pam,
    I think you met this challenge quite nicely! Your progression of size and color value gives a good sense of perspective and I like how the one square is off the track. I can relate! I like your series theme of combining shapes and time...looking forward to what comes next

  2. Pam, I agree with karenf's comments. Good perspective through the use of color and size. The square that is under the dark curved stripe adds extra interest to the piece. Because it is layered behind, it appears further back than the lightest color.

    Well done!

  3. Hi Pam, it's really good to have you here...I look forward to seeing lots of your work! I like your piece, especially the irregular placement of the squares and the progression of dark to light. The converging lines and decreasing sizes of the squares give quite a bit of perspective to the piece. Pretty background, too. Did you consider using some converging lines in the quilting lines? What would it look like with more visible thread for some of the quilting lines? Just a couple thoughts...might not make it better, just different!
    great job!

  4. Hi Pam - Glad you've joined us. I like your use of color and line in creating perspective in this piece. As Cynthia mentioned, the possibility of adding some additional lines of quilting in a visible thread might add some additional interest. Nice work.

  5. Hi Pam, I like your choice of colors. You use 2 principles of perspective in your piece; intensity of color and diminishing size. I wonder if it would show more perspective if you overlapped a couple of the pieces? Can't wait to see more from you.


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