Friday, November 28, 2008

Challenge 27

Challenge # 27 – Friday, November 28, 2008

Guest Hostess – Linda Cline

Working in Series: Continue working with the theme that you have chosen, or you may decide to work with another theme. Whatever works for you is fine; as long as you are enjoying the journey.

Color Concept: Value
Pick any color scheme you want to work with; however, you must include at least one very dark color and one very light color. The very dark color can be black, or you may choose a color very close to black such as a very dark navy blue. For the light color, you may choose white, ivory, or a very light tint.

Concentrate on value and not on color. You might take a picture of your composition and convert it to grayscale to see if you are using value effectively.

Composition Concept: Close up or Far view
Choose to work with a very close view or a very far view of your subject. Think about zooming in or out with a camera.

Imagine design elements from your series close-up. You might enlarge the design elements, and let them be cropped by the edges of your composition. More attention might be paid to the details within the shapes that make up the composition. Try visually cropping completed quilts in the series to search for new design ideas.

Now imagine the same design elements far away. What kind of environment will they be in? Perhaps your design elements will be many and clustered or scattered across your composition. Perhaps from a distant view they will appear more as texture instead of individual shapes.

As an example, if your series is about trees, you could zoom in and create a quilt about a branch, leaves, or the texture of one leaf. Or you could zoom out and focus on the forest. If you zoom out far enough, the individual trees might disappear as their shapes merge and become the shape of a clump of trees seen from far away.

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