Sunday, November 30, 2008

ren's Solar Flare

Solar Flare
21.5 inches high x 11.5 inches wide
velvet, cotton fabrics; cotton, silk threads; yellow colored pencil

I get lots of inspiration from this NASA website. Today's piece is a continuation of my solar series and, unlike the Solar Orbs from Challenge #26, which were supposed to be monochromatic but looked much more analogous, this one fulfills the monochromatic task much better, eh?

And value: hot white center of the flare, out to black-on-red velvet. I hope this is what the challenge meant us to do.


  1. You still seem to be working with an analagous color scheme - yellow through orange to red. If it were monochromatic, then the red would fade to pink.

    However, you have effectively show the brightness and hotness of a solar flare contrasted with the darkness of space. The colors you have chosen are perfect.

  2. Hi Ren - You've done a great job with the solar flare - I'm always intrigued with those like you who have bits of velvet around and make such good use of them. I like your use of value change as well as the stark contrast with the black. And your stitching adds some extra zing and movement. Nice work.

  3. An interesting piece. I like the tail coming off the plane and the thread painting (?) to soften the juncture of each color. Very nice!

  4. I think you have captured this challenge, the piece has a lot of depth. Very nice!

  5. Hi Ren,
    I like the firey feel of this piece, and think the quilting adds alot of texture to your work. Very good use of value.

  6. HI Ren...
    I too love the NASA stuff. I am currently working on a series of Nebulae. I especially love your shaped edges. Very effective. Good job...

  7. Your thread work on the edges is really nice and goes a long way towards softening your work. Good job!

  8. Hi Ren, very dramatic! Feels hot and firey except for the cooler pink/white center which gives some nice contrast. Great job!


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