Saturday, December 06, 2008


I very often try to complicate my subjects by over doing with too much stuff. This dandilion is so simple in its beauty that I decided to try to keep its simplicity. The body of the flower is appliqued. The flower shafts are machine embroidered over cord. The flowers are fun-fur yarn. The butterflies in the back ground fit with my feeling of departure the flower gives me. It is confimation of departure for a new start .


  1. Hi, your name isn't on the picture so you are AAIR..anonymous artist in residence, lol..

    You did a great job of depicting the softness of the dandelion fluff with the fun fur. I wonder if you had used some variations on the stamens if this would have more dimension?

    The quilted background, to me, would be better without the butterflies. I find them a little distracting from the dandelion.

    Nice work!!

  2. Hi Linda - I think the way you have focused on the dandelion and flying fluff is lovely. I particularly like the stitching on the seed heads' stems - it looks like little barbs waiting to find a new place to hook onto.

    I also like the butterflies quilted into the background. They didn't catch my eye until I read your description. Lovely work!

  3. Hi Pat...I especially love the soft airy feeling you have achieved. It makes me want to 'blow' on it to detach the remaining fluffs as we did as kids :)

  4. I love this. what a creative idea to use the special yarn for the clock heads. It is very realistic.

    I think you quilted it well, too. I know that in a close photo you see the quilting more, so it is a delightful discovery to find what has been quilted there.

    The connection with dandilion and the butterflies is a good one. Because the butterfly is "invisible" it is sort of like summer is flower, no butterflies, only memories.

    Sandy in the UK

  5. This is a nice piece and has a wonderful sense of whimsy. The butterflies add great visual interest. I wouldn't change a thing.

  6. The simplicity is very effective. I can imagine the "fun fur" flying when it is blown on.

  7. I love the elegance of the dandelion. It is such a simple thing and very nice. The colors are great.

  8. You have managed to combine a bold design with delicate beauty. The butterflies add a nice variation to the background quilting.

  9. Hi there, I'm glad you took the less is more approach to this piece...very effective to show the black stalk and the white furry parts against a highly textured background. Good work!


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