Saturday, December 06, 2008

Winter Bark 15"x19"

When we were in the mountains on our way home from Reno this week I took several close-up photos of pine needles, pinecones and redwood tree bark. I was delighted to see the challenge when I got home last night. My series is shapes, and this photo of the rugged bark is full of shapes for sure!

I used several different fabrics, including silk hankie There is actually not a single piece of all cotton in the whole thing...LOL

I've never done a close-up like this before and it was really a stretch for me but it was fun. At least I made it under the wire :)

Your comments are gratefully received as always...Cherie


  1. This is wonderful! You have effectively interpreted the bark with all the nuances of value to create an abstract piece that keeps the viewer guessing.

  2. Hi Cherie - When I first saw this piece, I thought it was a picture of stones. The variety of colors and shapes looks like a dry streambed or a wall in a canyon. Anyway, I now understand it is tree bark and can see that too.

    I really like the variety of fabrics you used. When I looked at the enlarged picture I found those fabrics that look as if they have mesh on top of them. They add great texture.

    A beautiful piece! Wish I could see it in person.

  3. Thank you Janice and Roberta :)
    I know just what you mean Roberta...One of the reasons I loved this photo is that it reminded me of deep canyons as viewed from above. Isn't nature fascinating?

  4. You use of non-traditional fabrics has created a very real feel to your quilt.

  5. Wow, this is great, such depth. I'm in awe of this work. Well done.

  6. I like how you have "bumped" the values in your piece. The fancy fabrics really add a lot of interest.

  7. Very nice close up of bark - The shaping and all appears to be very abstract.

  8. You have a lot of great texture in this piece. Great use of a variety of fabrics.

  9. Hi Cheri, this close view makes a very cool abstract....interesting shapes with the lightest and darkest values show up well. The only comment I have: a few interspered areas of dense quilting would add even more interest and texture. The quilting is good, but how cool would it be to fill in some of those quilted shapes with stipling or echoing?
    Great work!


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