Friday, December 05, 2008

Dragon Claw

Here is my study of a dragon claw...attempting a close up and trying to ensure there is value to create depth, etc.

I am very pleased with it! I did a sketch first, and then used the sketch as a guide to where I should have lighter and darker threads. At first, even though I had two layers of stabeliser, all the stitching really puckered the fabric. But I layered wadding and quilted it into submission.

The first ring on the claw has a crystal bead "gem". The second ring when seen closer is a "band of stones" made of red fabric. The third ring is stitched with metallic and then a small pearl sewn on. The last ring is just metallics.

Here is the dragon story.
This dragon has a bracelet with what looks like a charm. It is really a scale from another dragon. Some Dragons exhange shed scales - usually small ones from the sensitive area near the ear - with other dragons as a token of friendship. However, what is not commonly known is that if a dragon is in need of aid, any damage to the scale will summon the other dragon. Each of the scales have a special ability, which works in a similar way to GPS (global positioning system) and helps a dragon know how to locate his friend.

The reason why more dragons have not been observed coming to the aid of another, (and indeed why there has been such a decline in dragon population), is due to the fierce independant nature of dragons. It is rare for one dragon to actually use the scale in order to summon the other's aid. Many dragons, knowing they are facing danger, will actually leave the token at home. On the other hand, this action could be interpreted as evidence of a dragon's concern about bringing close friends into danger.

A word of WARNING: If a dragon should offer you a token scale, DO NOT...I repeat, Do Not refuse. It is highly offensive. You may wish to give a lock of your hair in exchange. Although it may seem unlikely that you could come to a dragon's aid, it has happened on notable occasions.


  1. Sandy,
    Your dragon's hand is very interesting and creative. I love the explanation of all the rings, it is wonderful that dragons have such an appreciation for jewelry, and are devoted to their dear friends with whom they trade scales. I will be sure to have a lock of hair ready for when a dragon offers me a friendship scale. I do think you achieved a sense of depth with your shading, and I like the way you quilted the background into submittion. Nice work.

  2. Great quilt, and a great story. Your quilt is very tactile. You have done a great job of depicting dimension. Perhaps the dragons leave their tokens at home so their mothers don't know where they've been.

  3. Nice piece and good story. Love your quilting texture. I wonder if the claw would have a little more depth with a really dark value between the talons.

  4. thanks Janice,
    In real life (as opposed to photography) the purple is deeper than that.
    I am wondering about doing some light shading (in a medium value) as a bit of a shadow of the leg falling to the right.
    What do you think?

  5. Hi Sandy - What a great story - perhaps you need to save all these stories and your quilts and write a children's book. Good stuff.

    Re the quilt itself - I think the claw is very well done. You've got lots of shading and shadows that are very effective. The only change I would consider is cropping off the top of the piece so that there is no apparent end to the limb. As it is, it looks like someone has retrieved a dragon's claw and part of a leg and laid it out to look at. If the piece is cropped off the viewer imagines the rest of the dragon.

  6. I want to live in your world Sandy...what fun! I do hope you are writing a children's book of your Dragon Tales.
    The quilt is wonderful. I agree again with Roberta...I would like to see the leg extended off the top of the quilt.

  7. Sandy, I like your idea of some [ground] shadows. I think that would take care of the the chopped off look Roberta refers to, now me, I thought the quilting at the top of the leg WAS the rest of the leg. If so, maybe just add a bit of shadows to the top, too.

    I know monitors can really make colors wonky!

  8. WOW! Your quilting really adds movement and texture to your piece. I doubt it would have the same impact without it. And your story is such fun!

  9. Sandy, I really like your piece. And the story is great. The shading adds a lot of depth to the hand. Good job.

  10. I love this work and your story. You have very effectively created depth and dimension in this piece. When I look it is not clear to me whether the leg is attached to another part of the dragon body or whether it has been separated and is just placed there. (May be my eyes any my monitor.)
    Great job!

  11. The quilting is wonderful.

  12. Hi Sandy, very cool piece! The dimension, texture and details are fabulous. Great job! I'm enjoying your dragon stories.


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