Friday, December 05, 2008

Rhoda Ch#27

The Basket Weaver
Continuing with my Women at Work series I've chosen to do a close up. The close up is of a basket weaver. I found it difficult to portray the subject at such close range, it was a great exercise for me.
I worked hard with the value part of this challenge but am not sure that I totally achieved it, it seems that I don't have enough really light spots?
The piece is 13x16".
I look forward to your critique.

Thanks Linda for a wonderful challenge that has really stretched my creativity.
Thanks for the critique of this work, I've reworked it a bit. I now realize the laying down of the plaid fabric was not the way to go. Since it was already sandwiched and quilted I've used some paint. I think it looks a bit better, however I'm not getting rid of her foot :)


  1. You have tackled a difficult subject.

    The hand and the foot at the bottom (am I interpretting the image correctly?) are very prominent, and seem disconected from the rest of the image because of their strong coloring and values. The basket and clothing could benefit from some bright highlights as well.

    I like your shading to indicate drape on the clothing. Perhaps if you had placed the plaid at various angles, it would help create the appearance of draped cloth.

  2. Hi Rhoda,
    I like the way you did the basket in this piece, and the hands in the piece really look 3-d. The folds in the dress work well, but might need a little shading on them to bring them up to the same level of detail the other elements on the piece have. Over-all a very nice composition.

  3. Nice theme for this piece and your series is interesting. You did a nice job with value in the basket and in the hand. The dress/shirt seems a little flat and might benefit from more values added. Looking forward to more of your series.

  4. Hi Rhoda - You couldn't pick anything easy could you! I think the basket in process came out really well, and the upper hand is also rendered well. I got confused by the dress/shirt and I think it is because it is a plaid. You've done such a good job adding pleats and folds but the plaid is fighting with you. This could have been a good place to use a little floral print - something that doesn't have so much symmetry.

    Kudos for trying something this difficult and doing such a good job with it.

  5. You really improved it with the over painting Rhoda. I was having trouble pulling it together with the plaid. You did a terrific job, however I am still confused about the 'foot'. It seems somehow detached and separate from the rest of the composition.

  6. I think you have done very well with this. as you said, it is difficult to do a close up of a subject when you are also trying to show them doing something.

    I wonder if you shaded the under side of the foot a bit, like on the hand,it would give it a bit more shaping and be able to be read easier.

    I do like the foot though. once you realise it is a woman weaving a basket whilst sitting on the ground, then you know her foot will be in that position. Are you calling it something that will give a clue to the subject matter?

    thanks for showing us the rework.
    Sandy in the UK

  7. Absolutely a great improvement in the dress! The foot is not as confusing now, but what would happen if you added just a peek of the other foot under the basket? That would also make a great design triangle of the skin tones.

  8. I like how you have responded to the suggestions. The end result is very nice.

  9. Your reworking worked well - the lighter color is more prevalent.

  10. Hi Rhoda, The reworking really makes this so much better. More definition and depth and allows the basket to pop. Good work!


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