Monday, December 08, 2008


I really enjoyed Challenge #27. "Fred" was digitally painted using a cropped photo for reference. His image was printed onto fabric prepared with digital grounds. I wasn't quite sure how much or how little to quilt the image, so I just tried to quilt around the value shapes. The quilt measures 16.5" x 22." Constructive comments are welcome.


  1. Della,
    Fred is as sweet as he can be! I love the way you brought out the values in your digital image. The borders do a great job of enhancing the colors in your image as well. Nice work!

  2. Everything about this is wonderful. Great contrast, adorable subject. The border compliments the picture without being distracting. The simple quilting outlining the shapes was a good choice.

  3. Linda,
    Thank you for hosting this challenge. I never would have made this quilt without the parameters you provided. You stretched me on this one.

  4. Wow.... I love this... what a great idea... nice job

  5. Nice job! You have met the challenge and this little quy is a joy to look at.

  6. Hi Della, it's so much fun to see your work. Love this one! The yellow/gold with the purple is gorgeous and it's perfectly framed with your variety of fabric. The first thing I thought when I saw this...that is an impressionist painting. Great work!


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