Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I looked to my many art photos for inspiration in which I found one of many woodpiles! I picked out a small rectangular part of it and chose my colors (NOT woodpile colors, to be sure). And here is what I ended with. I used felting AND machine drawing with variagated thread to complete the piece. Here is the finished piece. I will eventually mat and frame it. (Small things need this, I think).

The finished piece is first , the woodpile second, and the section of the woodpile is last. In person, the piece is brighter and there is good contrast. There IS white there; really!
Jo Rice


  1. Great abstraction, and good balance of values.

  2. Very colorful and interesting!

  3. Hi Jo, I love the brilliant color and dark values you achieved. To me, the felted light parts (the 2 pink areas and the white over the green in the lower left corner)dampen/muddy the underlying colors and detract a bit. One other comment - s bit of dense quilting could add some cool texture.
    Good work!

  4. love your vibrant colors. i agree with cynthia that more dense quilting or thread painting might be added... if it fits your vision.


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