Monday, December 29, 2008


I've posted my piece entitled Freedom. I'm not sure if one would consider freedom an emotion but there are times that freedom is emotional - such as this past election.

So when I started doing sketches I thirded my thumbnail - hum - how interesting to have a nine patch - so my background consists of wonky nine patches done in my hand-dyed grays.

Continuing my branching out - I constructed my tree using fabric and wool yarn - this I've done before but continue to like it. My zinger is a yellow leaf breaking free in the black beaded breeze. The final size is 13 x 18 1/2 inches.

In Windy Seattle


  1. Lisa,
    I like your "Freedom" composition. The yellow leaf really springs forward at the viewer. The branches look reluctant to have let go. The beaded trail of the leaf gives a nice effect! Good work. Joni

  2. Hi Lisa - Your choices for background fabrics for your wonky squares set a great tone for your piece. The tree jumps off it as well as the leaf. I particularly like the beading you have added to show the path of the leaf. Very nice work.

  3. I get a real sense of cold from this. The lemon yellow adds to it. Excellent fabric/colour choices. I like your "wonky" background. A very dramatic design, but it tells the story well
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  4. Very good piece for this challenge. I love the yellow leaf against the grey background and particularly like the directional beading that gives this depth.

  5. Very nice Lisa, the trail behind the leaf adds so much movement to the piece. What a great zinger.

  6. Hi Lisa.... great job on this.... simple, effective and conveys a message.
    My thoughts join the others and I love that yellow leaf!
    Nice job!


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