Monday, December 29, 2008


I knew instantly what I wanted to depict with this challenge. The emotions reigning in my life now and for the past year are sorrow and rage. I am watching my dear sister's mind disintegrate with Alzheimer's. The words get lost, the memories are off or absent. The personality begins to change. A brilliant woman watches her ability to reason fall away. As I tried to show my feelings all I could manage was to picture the connections in the brain decreasing after the lightning strike of this disease. I got so furious trying to do this piece that it was difficult not to take the rotary cutter and slice it to ribbons - which may happen yet.

This was probably a healthy exercise for me, a bit of catharsis. Thank you Tobi for this month's challenge. I hope I didn't depress everyone during this season of hope.


  1. Roberta,
    Your piece is so full of emotion. You have expressed your feelings very well. Isn't it interesting that in all this out pouring of frustration and anger that you actually created something very beautiful? The quilting in this piece really helps convey your emotions as well. It is wonderful that you were able to do this challenge, and get a chance to really express yourself. Joni

  2. Your piece is very exciting. I love all ther breaks and interruptions shown by your quilting. Your use of color is excellent. Pat

  3. The orange is certainly a zinger, and full of emotion. I like your quilt very much, and I hope you keep it intact. If you can't bear to look at it, you could donate it to the Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiave. It's a wonderful quilt.

  4. This is a fabulous piece that is so obviously emotional. I think your use of color is spot on as well as your quilting. I wouldn't change a thing.

  5. Roberta, very emotional and the zinger really worked well. There are a lot of emotions in the colors and the quilting, great work.

  6. I see the orange as a good zinger for this piece. That being the colors all work really great together and it reminds me of an autumn day.

  7. Hi Roberta, you've depicted the feeling of loss along with the anger. Your sister's loss of her abilities and your own loss of your sister as you knew her. It's a powerful piece, I'm glad you made it. I wouldn't change a thing.

  8. Hi Roberta, what a beautiful and powerful piece. Wonderfully executed!
    I really like it..a lot.. but it doesn't mean to me what it means to you. I am so glad you were able to do this... I hope you keep it intact.
    My heart goes out to you and with my comments of appreciation for your work I am sending you a hug!! Two actually!

  9. Roberta,
    this is an emotional piece, very powerful.
    thank you!

  10. Oh Roberta...this is an amazing piece! The blue 'broken' connections are perfect, and the jagged quilt lines slashing through accentuate your orange Rage. My heart aches for you and your sister
    Love Cherie


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